
Supplier Identification

Adress:Stefan Trost Media
Stefan Trost
Fernewaldstraße 231
D-46242 Bottrop
VAT Reg No:DE292789898
Contact Person:Stefan Trost or i;a:.!lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsumlorem ipsum @;
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jwwer@ lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum
Please use our contact form primarily to directly reach the right person for your concerns.

Responsible for content according to §55 paragraph 2 German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (§55 Absatz 2, Rundfunkstaatsvertrag, RstV): Stefan Trost, Fernewaldstraße 231, D-46242 Bottrop.

All rights reserved. Reproduction of the contents of this website is permitted only with prior written permission of Stefan Trost.

Conception, Implementation and Web Design

Adress:Stefan Trost Media Webdesign
Fernewaldstraße 231
D-46242 Bottrop
Contact Person:Stefan Trost

Questions, Wishes, Criticism and Suggestions

We are constantly striving to improve and to expand our offers. In this process, we attach particular importance to a close contact with our customers and users of our services to expand and change our supply according to the needs.

To meet this requirement, we rely on your feedback. If you, for example, do not like a particular point or solution on our web pages and you are concerned about that, or you think, a different solution or a supplement would be beneficial, you should simply inform us about your opinion. Even if this should affect only small things, we are grateful to you for your message and your feedback.

Please mail your suggestions, criticisms, comments, ideas or questions directly to Stefan Trost Media by using the contact form on

Legal Notice

Please note the legal notice for this website.

Data Privacy Statement

In our Data Privacy Statement, we inform you about the nature, scope, purpose and legal basis of the collection, processing, storage, use and disclosure of your personal data. Additionally, we inform you about your rights regarding data protection and we inform you about how long we store personal data. You can retrieve our Data Privacy Statement on this page.

Software Licence

Please note that the use of the software is subject to our Software Licence Agreement.

Information on Online Dispute Resolution

In accordance with Directive 2013/11/EU, the European Commission sets up an Internet platform for online settlement of disputes ("ODR platform") between businesses and consumers. These can be reached under the following link: