Old Function Overview
On this page, you can find a list of the functions of and old version of the FileRenamer.
Here you can find a list of functions of the current version.
This list includes a list of all functions that are available in the File Renamer. The functions are classified by their occurrence in the program. An introduction to the functioning and thus the interplay of these listed functions can be found in the help section on this page.
This compilation is divided into the areas of Input, Mask for the File Name, Search and Replace in File Names, Preview and Main Window.
Files: Files and Folders
The input area is located at the top of the window. Here is a list that contains all the files and folders to be renamed. Among the list is displayed, how many files and folders are currently loaded.
- Files and Folders > Open Folder..: Click this button to select a folder from your computer. The files from that folder will automatically be added to the list. If you only want to find pictures of a particular format, use the "Filter" button next to this button to select appropriate formats.
- Files and Folders > Enter Key in Folder-Box: You can also write or copy a folder in this box manually. By pressing the Enter Key, this folder is searched for files according to the filter settings.
- Files and Folders > Filter..: Click on "Filter" to limit the search in a folder on certain formats. It opens a new window, where you can either search for all supported formats or you can select only some formats, you want to look for. The file formats to be searched for can be written to the box without space, seperated with commas. For example you can type jpg,txt,doc in the box to search for files with the formats jpg, txt and doc. The filter settings are not related to adding files that are dragged from a folder in the list manually.
- Files and Folders > Add Files to Rename Files: If this option is activated, all files, you drag onto the tool, will be added to the list, so that they can be renamed. Deactivate this option if you would like to rename folders.
- Files and Folders > Add Folders to Rename Folders: If this option is activated, all folders, you drag onto the tool, will be added to the list, so that they can be renamed. If you do not activate this option and you add a folder to the tool, the files from this folder will be added instead of the folder itself (if the option Add Files is active). Activate both options to add the files from the folder as well as the folder itself to the list.
- Files and Folders > List: In this list, there are all images that are processed in one pass. If you click on "Rename", exactly these files will be renamed. The files can be either added to the list by scanning a folder or you can drag them from a folder of your computer. In the list you will find information on the file name, the file type, the file site, the status and the file path. The status column gives information about the status of the corresponding file. You can see, if the file has just been added, if the file is beeing processed or has been processed and if there was an error during processing. An error can occur, if a file with the same file name already exists in the same folder - the file renamer do not overwrite any files with others.
- Files and Folders > List > Right Mouse Button on Item > Open corresponding Folder: Opens the parent folder of the file.
- Files and Folders > List > Right Mouse Button on Item > Show File Information: Displays the standard Windows file information to the appropriate file.
- Files and Folders > List > Right Mouse Button on Item > Copy selected Images to Clipboard: Copies the selected image or the selected images to the clipboard so that they can be stored with Paste (CTRL+V) into any folder on your computer.
- Files and Folders > List > Right Mouse Button on Item > Delete selected files from List: Deletes the selected file or the selected files from the list. The files are not deleted from your computer, but only from the list.
- Files and Folders > Delete Selected: Deletes all the selected files from the list. The files are only deleted from the list, but not from your computer
- Files and Folders > Delete All: Deletes the entire list, so you can add new files. It only removes the list, of course, the files are still present on your computer.
Actions: Mask for the File Name
This area is located in the center of the window and is covered by the header "Choose a Mask for the File". Here, all settings can be made that will relate to how a file will be renamed.
- Mask: In this box, you have to enter a mask, which refers to how the file should be renamed. This mask can contain any text, and one of the constants that are defined under the mask. Possible are the constants %name% (this constant will be replaced with the old file name), %num% (at this point, a sequential numbering is inserted into the file name, beginning with the number in the box behind it), %0num% (also a sequential numbering is inserted, beginning with the same number, but with the difference of leading zeros) and last but not least the constant %abs%, which is replaced by the total number of files in the current list. The constants %d%, %m% and %y% stand for the day, month and year of the current date. Thus, for example, the mask "%name%" alone, would not change anything at the file name, simply because the old file name is replaced with the old filename itself. The mask "%name%1" would contradicted attach the number 1 to every old file name. If you use just the word "image" as mask, each file will be renamed with the name "image", as long as all files are in different folders, so that no file have to be overwritten. Of course, also Unicode characters are supported,
Actions: Search and Replace in File Names
Between the preview and the settings for the mask, you can find the search and replace box with the header "Find and Replace Expressions in the Filename". With this function it is possible to replace or delete strings from the names of files (Unicode is supported). You can determine if the replacements should only affect the file name or the suffix, or both, the file extension and the name. To delete something from the name, just leave the box "Replace with" free.
- Search For: Select this option to activate the function "Find and Replace". The string to be searched for, is written in the box behind the option.
- Replace with: In this box, you can write the string which replaces the search term. Leave this field blank to delete the search term. Then the search string will be replaced with nothing.
- Filename: Select this option to search and replace in the file name.
- File Extension: Select this option to search and replace in the file extension. Of course, you can also activate both options.
In the bottom of the window, there is the preview box. Here, the old file name can be compared with the new file name. Click on a file in the list above to see the preview of this file. So you can see the changes immediately without really renaming files.
Main Window
Apart from that, there is only one button in the bottom right of the main window and a status bar, behind all boxes.
- Rename: Click this button to apply all changes (set in Mask and Editing) to all files currently in the list above. If a change has worked the names in the list will change, too, so that these files can be renamed theoretically once again.
- Status Bar: At the bottom of the window, there is a bar, the status bar, which displays all current processes. Here you can see, for example, if the program is still active, is looking for files, is just renaming files and so on. As long as the program is active, you should not make further input into the program.