
Renaming a Series of Files or Folders with the Help of Sources

Suppose, on the one hand, you have a series of files or folders and their names may only be numbered. For example, audio files such as Track1, Track2, Track3 to Track20, video files of a series such as S01E01, S01E02, S01E03 to S01E10 or completely different numberings or other meaningless file names.

On the other hand, you have a text that contains your desired names for the corresponding files or folders. For example, a list of the titles of the audio tracks or an overview of the titles of the episodes of the series. Now you would like to change the existing file names and either insert the titles into the previous file names at a certain place or change the entire file name to the title completely.

But how do the lines of the text come into the file names? Of course, it would be possible to label each file individually, for example with manually writing or at least copying the title text into each individual file name. Depending on the amount of files, this task can be very tedious and it can take a long time. For this reason, in this tutorial, we show you a way how you can do this type of renaming simply, quickly and easily. We use the application FileRenamer for this, which you can see in the following screenshot.

FileRenamer - Use Lines of a Text for Renaming - Screenshot

Windows 11 - Windows 10 - Windows 7

In this example, we use the program to label a series with 20 episodes from 2 seasons. The video files first have numbered file names starting at "S01 E01" up to "S02 E08". We would like to attach the title of the episode to these existing file names and also separate them for better readability with a hyphen from the old file name. You can see the result in the file list of the program for each of the files in the "Preview" column.

Content of the Tutorial

This tutorial is divided into the following sections:

Short Introduction

Before we look at the individual steps in detail, here is a brief overview of how you can use the function in the FileRenamer:

In the following we would like to go detailed into these steps, give examples and explain what there is to consider.

Files and their Order

First, you should add all files and folders to be renamed to the file list in the main window of the FileRenamer. You can use the buttons under the file list or simply drag the files from any folder onto the program. Even if we talk about files here most of the time, you can also use the introduced function for the renaming of folders. Whether files and/or folders should be renamed, can be determined in the top right of the main window under "Include".

Next, you should ensure that the files appear in the list in the correct order. This means that the files should be positioned in the same order in the list as the associated lines in the text. If your files are numbered, for example with names such as Audio01, Audio02, Audio03 and so on, you can simply click on the column header of the column "Name" to sort the files according to their name. You can also move individual files with the mouse within the list.

Text Source Window

The window for entering the text respectively the text lines can be invoked via the menu "Sources > Text Source". In this window you can write or copy the text, that should be the basis for the renaming. Each line in this window corresponds - one line after each other - to a file in the file list. The first line in the text field therefore refers to the first file in the file list, the second line in the text field refers to the second file in the file list and so on. That is why it is so important that on the one hand the files are in the correct order in the file list and on the other hand the text begins and ends with the correct line.

When you click into the text field with the mouse, the current line number of your cursor is displayed under the text field. This information can be helpful for the assignment. With the button "Get Names from File List", you can retrieve the current original file names of all files from the list and write them into the text field. The lines in the text field are filled so that the line numbers of the lines match the list position of the associated files and can thus be reused for the renaming of the original files. With this function you can edit the file names in your file list directly in form of an ongoing text by then using the changed lines back in the other direction for renaming.

Definition of Changes and supported Functions

On the right side of the main window you will find the area "Changes". In this area you can configure the rules according to which your files should be renamed. Simply activate the checkbox of one or more of the functions and use the options and text fields to configure the respective function. You can fetch the lines from the text source window with the placeholders %textsource-line% and %textsource-line,x,y% by simply using these placeholders in the text fields of the functions alone or together with other placeholders, letters or characters. The two placeholders are supported by the functions Mask, Search and Replace, Insert, Delete Text, Prepend and Append.

Depending on the position of a file in the file list, the two placeholders are standing for a different content. For the renaming of the first file from the file list, the two placeholders are standing for the first line from the text field of the text source window. For the second file in the file list, the two placeholders are standing for the second line and so on.

The placeholder %textsource-line% corresponds to the text of the entire line while with using the placeholder %textsource-line,x,y% you are able to adopt only a part - the letters at the positions x to y - from the respective line. As an example, in order to take over only the first 3 letters of a line, you can write %textsource-line,1,3% (letter position 1 to letter position 3).

Preview and Application of Changes

How the file names would change with applying your current settings, you can see live, after each change of the settings, in the column "Preview" of the file list. You should use this column to check whether the correct line of text is assigned to each file and the files are consequently arranged in the correct order in the file list.

If this is the case and you are satisfied with the result, you can simply click on the button "Apply Changes" located at the bottom right of the main window to rename all files in the file list at the same time in accordance with your settings.

Application Examples

Finally, we would like to give you some examples of typical applications of this function.

Of course, you are not only limited to these examples of application in the FileRenamer. You can also combine the placeholders with any other function of the program. The examples should only demonstrate a small overview of some of the possibilities.