Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find a collection of all frequently asked questions regarding the EasyMusicPlayer.
Installation and Uninstallation
- On which systems does the EasyMusicPlayer run?
- How to install the EasyMusicPlayer?
- How do I uninstall the EasyMusicPlayer?
Supported Formats
- Some files are indicated in the playlist with a duration different from the length during playing.
- I get the following error when playing a audio file: DirectShow call failed: 8004011 ClassFactory cannot deliver the requested class.
Commercial Use
Other Questions
- I wish a new function in the EasyMusicPlayer or have a suggestion for improvement. Whom can I contact?
- I have found a bug in the EasyMusicPlayer. How can I report the error?
- I want to thank you for the program. What can I do?
- My question is not answered here. Who can help me?
On which systems does the EasyMusicPlayer run?
The EasyMusicPlayer is currently available for the Windows operating system. You will find the corresponding download on the download page of the EasyMusicPlayer. The support of other systems is planned.
How to install the EasyMusicPlayer?
The EasyMusicPlayer is a portable program. This means that you can use the EasyMusicPlayer without an installation. It is sufficient to save the program file (under Windows the EXE file) to any place on your computer and click on the program file to start the program. This has the advantage that the program does not make any unwanted profound changes to your system (for example, registry entries or changes in system folders). In addition, you can run any number of versions of the program (for example, with different configurations) in parallel, you can start the EasyMusicPlayer from a USB stick and easily take the application along with their settings to another computer by simply copying the program folder. Read more about this topic in the installation help.
How do I uninstall the EasyMusicPlayer?
Since the EasyMusicPlayer is a portable program, there is no need for a cumbersome uninstall procedure to completely remove the program from your computer. Instead, it is sufficient to just delete the program file (on Windows, the EXE file).
I would like to play other files apart from MP3s. Is this possible using the EasyMusicPlayer?
Yes. The Easy MP3 player can play all audio files if the corresponding codec is installed. Theoretically you can even listen to the soundtrack of the video with this program. The only restriction is that the player is not able to read the information about artist, title, album and so on from every file type, and some files do not support the storage of this information at all.
If you need the codec for a certain file, you should look for the corresponding format in a search engine. There is also the possibility to download whole codec packages, with which you can install lots of codecs at one time. Which of these packages is the best, must be decided in the individual case for the respective applications.
The most commonly used music and audio files are MP3, WAV, OGG, WMA and FLAC, whose tag information is also understood by the Easy MP3 Player. The codecs for MP3, WAV and WMA files should already be installed on your Windows computer. The codecs for OGG and FLAC files can be found on the page under the keywords FLAC and VORBIS.
Some files are indicated in the playlist with a duration different from the length during playing.
When adding the files to the playlist the program makes use of the following method: The duartion is - depending on the format and the presence of the information - either read from the file header or calculated from the file size and the corresponding compression. In individual cases (particularly for compressions hardly differing from the norm or wrong file headers) this can lead to a faulty length. If the corresponding file is played, it is loaded completely and the right length can be displayed. If the exact length of the file were determined at the adding, adding would last unreasonably long.
I get the following error when playing a audio file: DirectShow call failed: 8004011 ClassFactory cannot deliver the requested class.
This error appears with a faulty ID3-Tag (information about artist, title and so on in the MP3-file) of the MP3 in combination with wrong DirectX drivers. To solve this problem you should delete the whole ID3-Tag to write it completely new after that.
A recommendable tool for this process is the tool Mp3Tag by Florian Heidenreich which can be downloaded on the page for free. In this tool you can load the corresponding file and remove all of the information of the ID3-Tag by clicking "Remove Tag" until you cannot see this information in the window any more. After that you can write the information again and this player should be able to play the file.
If you have to do this with lots of files and you do not want to type all of the information by hand, you can use the following trick: Use the function "Tag-File Name" with the command "%artist% - %album% - %track% - %year% - %title% - %genre%" before deleting the information, to save the information in the file name. After deleting the tag, you are able to bring the information back to the tag with the same command and the function "File Name - Tag" without having carried out any entry by hand.
I want to use the EasyMusicPlayer commercially. How do I get a commercial license?
The free version of the EasyMusicPlayer may only be used for non-commercial purposes. If you want to use the EasyMusicPlayer commercially, you need a paid license. Just contact us via our contact form, we will gladly help you.
In which languages has the EasyMusicPlayer been translated so far?
The EasyMusicPlayer is currently available in 2 languages. These include English and Deutsch (German). More information can be found in our translation portal.
I wish a new function in the EasyMusicPlayer or have a suggestion for improvement. Whom can I contact?
Our goal is to continuously extend and improve the EasyMusicPlayer. If you have suggestions for improvement or suggestions for new features or other changes, please contact us.
I have found a bug in the EasyMusicPlayer. How can I report the error?
We are always grateful for bug reports or other suggestions to improve our programs. Just write us a short message via our contact form. If you want you can stay anonymous.
I want to thank you for the program. What can I do?
We are always looking forward to any kind of support to continue offering you our programs and services. We have compiled some of the possibilities for you on our donations page, where you will also find our PayPal-Donate-Button, for example. In addition to money donations (even very small amounts are always welcome), we are also grateful for any other assistance. Maybe you can recommend us, put a link to us, help with the translation of a program or you can think of something else, how you can support us. Many thanks for your help!
My question is not answered here. Who can help me?
For further questions we have set up an AskingBox portal. In this forum you can also ask your questions online without a registration or you can read previous questions asked by other users. If you have a personal question you can also contact us via our contact form.