Main Window
On this page you will find an overview of all parts and functions of the main window of the UnitConverter with a description of the respective function. An explanation of the functions of other program parts of the UnitConverter can be found in the function overview.
The main program is generally divided into two parts. In the upper part, you can choose the category of the units and the kind of display and in the lower part, the units are shown depending on the mode. All of these things are explained in the following.
- Category: In this box all categories of units are displayed, the predefined and the user-defined. To choose a category of units, simply select a category in this box.
- Display: Here you can select how the units should be displayed. If you compare two or three units, only two or three units will be shown. In the table you can see a list of all units available. In the following, the functions of these two kinds of modes will be named as "Compare" and "Table". An overview over all available units, you can read in the section Units, how to add custom units, you learn in the section Custom Units.
- Filter: Here you can set a global filter which reduces the range of displayed units. You can use this filter to get a better overview or to compare a number of units or categories in the table. Simply enter some characters from the unit or the category, it is not necessary to make a difference between uppercase and lowercase letters. More than one filter can be divided by a comma like "metric,ell,mile".
- Compare > Units: If you are comparing two or three units, you can see two or three boxes with units in the main window. Each of these boxes can be used in the same way. In the long box, you can select the unit. You can enter some characters in this box to limit the range of units, so it is easier to find a unit. In the box labeled with "No Prefix", you can select a prefix for the unit and in the box with the value, you can write a value. This value will be automatically converted to the other units - that is the conversion of the Unit Converter. With the help of the two small buttons, you can copy the value and the unit in the clipboard. The format for this can be adjusted in the menu "Settings > Options".
- Compare > Copy Values to Clipboard and to this Box: You can enable this option to copy all values automatically in the clipboard and this box, so that you can collect some values before using them all together.
- Table > Table: In this table all units currently available are listed. With a global filter (see above), you can limit this range of units. Select a unit to display this unit under the table, where you can change the value and the prefix of this unit and you can copy the values into the clipboard. If you change a value, the other values of the other units in the table will be updated. If you right click on one or more than one items, you can also copy this values to the clipboard or you can delete units from the table. In addition, it is possible to delete the prefixes from units or set the best fitting prefix, for example Kilo- for a value from 1000 to 99999.
- Table > Hold Value: Normally, the value of a selected unit is displayed in the box under the table. If this option is activated, it is just the other way around: The value of the selected value will be set to the value of the box.
- Table > Unit for Comparisons: If you select the display with table and compare unit, you can see a box with a unit for comparisons under the table which is similar to the boxes from the general compare mode. You can carry out the same settings, so that you can set an unit for comparisons like the metre when working with lengths.