Change Log
On this page, you can find the history of changes made to the program ClipboardSaver.
- Automatic Folder Creation (2024-11-07): If a folder is specified for saving clipboard content that does not yet exist, it will now be created automatically before saving.
- New Languages (2024-09-23): Español (Spanish) and Français (French).
- New Option for the Preferred Text Format (2024-09-22): Search for similar format if exact format is not available. If this option is enabled and the desired clipboard format is not available in the clipboard, the clipboard will be searched for a similar usable format. For example, for the clipboard format with the exact name "HTML Format", this can be another content with the name "HTML" or some one with the mime type "text/html". If this option is not enabled, the preferred text format will only be accepted if the name exactly matches the specified name.
- Representation of Binary Formats (2024-09-21): More accurate representation of some common non-text-based binary clipboard formats as human-readable text.
- Storage of Rich Text Formats in the History (2024-09-20): For text content, the history now stores not only the Unicode Plain Text Format (Format ID 13) as before, but also (if available) the clipboard formats HTML (HTML Format), RTF (Rich Text Format), DIF, CSV, XML and generally all formats with a MIME type starting with "text/". In the history, this content is listed under the type "Rich Text", while the type "Plain Text" is still used for simple text.
- New Options for the Preferred Text Format (2024-09-19): With four new options you can determine in which format the set preferred text format should be copied back to the clipboard after editing: "Only in the preferred format", "Only as plain text with format-specific tags", "In the preferred format and as plain text without format-specific tags" or "In the preferred format and as plain text with format-specific tags".
- Storage of Clipboard Formats as File (2024-09-18): A new function has been added to the context menu of the detail table which allows you to save individual clipboard formats as files, independently of other formats currently in the clipboard. This makes it possible now to access formats that otherwise cannot be displayed in the ClipboardSaver, such as ZIP archives that are written to the clipboard by certain Office applications, special image formats or other binary data.
- Special Treatment of HTML and RTF as preferred Text Format (2024-09-17): If you select one of the formats "HTML Format" or "Rich Text Format" as your preferred text format, the format will no longer only be copied back to the clipboard as such after editing, but will also be copied separately as a plain text version without formatting tags. This corresponds to the behavior of how also browsers or word processing programs copy such content to the clipboard.
- New Option for the History and Content Editing (2024-09-16): Minimum time delay between two processings. This new option allows you to set a minimum time interval (in milliseconds) during which (after a clipboard change) no editing or adding to the history takes place. The reason for this is that some applications copy content to the clipboard twice and this function can prevent such content from being processed more than one time. Before this option was introduced, a fixed minimum time interval of 175 ms was used, which could not be changed by the user. With a value of "0" you can switch this function off completely.
- New Option for the History and Content Editing (2024-09-15): No processing if a new clipboard content matches the previous clipboard content. This check is first only implemented for text content.
- Clear Clipboard (2024-09-14): New function for deleting all contents from the clipboard. You can access this function via a button under the detail table, via the context menu of the details or by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + W.
- New Options for the Preferred Text Format (2024-09-13): With two new options you can specify what should happen if the desired preferred format is not part of the clipboard when the clipboard content changes: either "Use Plain Text instead" or "Cancel / Do not perform any action".
- Preferred Text Format (2024-09-13): The new function "Texts > Preferred Format" allows you to select a clipboard text format (for example "HTML Format", "Rich Text Format" or "CSV") that will then be used as the basis for text processing and text storage. If no preferred format is specified, unformatted plain text will be used by default (as before).
- Display of the Number of active Actions (2024-09-12): The tab header (title) of the three action tabs (texts, images and files) now displays the number of currently active assigned actions for the respective clipboard content. This makes it possible to see at a glance whether and which action group is active without having to open the tabs.
- Ability to directly open created Files (2024-09-11): In the storage options of all clipboard format tabs (texts, images and file lists) there is now a new option to automatically open the respective file immediately after it is created.
- Mirror Images (2024-09-10): The action for rotating images from the clipboard has been expanded to "Rotate and Mirror". Two options have been added: "Mirror horizontally" and "Mirror vertically", which can be activated independently of each other. To use only one or both of these new functions without rotating the images, you can simply leave the rotation at 0 degrees.
- Recopy to Clipboard (2024-09-09): Until now, only saved text content could be copied back to the clipboard by double-clicking on a row of the history table. This is now also possible for images and files in the same way.
- New Columns in the Detail Table (2024-09-08): In addition to the format ID, the format name and the content, the table for displaying the current contents of the clipboard now also shows the "Size" (data size) as well as the "Mime Type" of the respective clipboard content.
- New Placeholders for File Names (2024-09-07): The new placeholders %width% and %height% can now be used to dynamically write the width respectively the height of an image from the clipboard into the file name when it is saved. Similarly, the newly introduced placeholder %abs% in the file name of file lists stands for the number of files contained.
- Change of a Placeholder (2024-09-06): The old placeholder %firstchars%, which stood for the first 40 characters of the text stored in a text file, has been replaced by the new flexible placeholders %text%, %chars,x,y%, %chars,-x,y%, %wordX%, %wordexX% as well as %words,x,y%. The old placeholder corresponds to the new placeholder %chars,1,40% (characters from 1 to 40).
- New Placeholders for File Names (2024-09-05): Placeholders for the current date, the current time, for numbering with leading zeros as well as for numbering with letters instead of numbers.
- Start in the Tray (2024-09-04): If you start the ClipboardSaver with passing the new parameter "-tray" (for example via "ClipboardSaver.exe -tray"), the program starts directly without a graphical user interface and is only visible as a tray icon.
- New Storage Formats for the History (2024-09-03): In addition to the storage as a simple text file, the history can now also be saved in the formats CSV, XLSX, ODS and HTML. You can find these new options in the history's context menu (right mouse button) or by selecting the format in your accustomed save dialog.
- Storage before or after Processing (2024-09-02): Previously, it was only possible to specify whether a possible storage should be carried out before and/or after the application of the actions for image content. This is now also possible for text content in the same way.
- New Options for Rewriting Texts (2024-09-01): Remove double spaces, tabs and/or line breaks.
- Restructuring of defining Multiple Replacements (2024-08-31): The definition of multiple replacements in the ClipboardSaver is now carried out in the same way as in the TextConverter. With this change, multiple replacements can now be written down line by line (each line one replacement) without having to maintain laborious list entries. If you select the respective option, it is of course also still possible to carry out individual replacements across multiple lines.
- New Table Functions (2023-07-23): The context menus of the history and detail tables in the ClipboardSaver have been expanded to include a number of functions to make it easy to copy the contents of the tables to the clipboard. Both tables have been given functions to copy the entire table to the clipboard as a TSV spreadsheet. The detail table has additionally been given functions to copy individual rows as well as individual values to the clipboard.
- Number of Elements in History (2023-07-17): The current number of items in the history is now displayed in the history header.
- New History Options (2022-02-14): Maximum number of elements. With a setting of "0", the number of items is not limited (as before). If a value other than "0" is set, the oldest item will be deleted from the history when this number is reached.
- Active Option in the Tray (2021-09-13): The option to activate or deactivate the clipboard monitoring was previously only available via the menu of the ClipboardSaver. Now, you can access this option additionally by right-clicking on the program's tray icon. This means that you can now activate or deactivate clipboard monitoring without having to open the ClipboardSaver.
- Option Buttons for the Actions (2020-02-20): Each action now has an "Options" button that can be used to show or hide the configuration of the respective action. This makes it possible to change the actions without having to activate the action in question first. Before this change, the options for an action were only displayed as long as the action was active.
- Rotation of Images (2019-12-06): New function for changing images: Rotate by a freely definable inclination in degrees.
- Changes of the Graphical User Interface (2019-07-13): The actions for changing and saving content from the clipboard are now located on one tab each for text actions, actions for images as well as actions for files in the clipboard (instead of arranged one below the other). This division into several action tabs serves to provide more clarity due to the increased number of different actions.
- Rewriting Texts (2019-07-10): Under the new function "Text > Rewrite" you will find some new options for rewriting text: Separate CamelCase, Replace Diacritics, Remove Diacritics, URL Encode, URL Decode, Encode Named Characters as well as Decode Named Characters.
- Changing the Text Writing (2018-02-26): With the new action "Writing" you can change the case of texts in the clipboard. The options available are "Capitalize words", "All letters uppercase", "All letters lowercase" as well as "Randomly mixed".
- More Clipboard formats (2018-02-25): In addition to texts and images, now also files copied to the clipboard are displayed.
- Adjustments of the User Interface (2014-07-13): Improvements for high resolution / high DPI screens.
- Processing Distance (2013-07-13): Some applications are adding contents to the clipboard twice or even more often in a row. To avoid processing content twice, the Clipboard Saver now only processes contents with an interval of at least 175 ms.
- Handling of unknown Clipboard Formats (2013-07-12): Unknown clipboard formats are ignored and do not raise an error any more.
- Options for Saving the History (2012-10-14): Texts and/or images with or without time stamp (Settings > History > Storage).
- Minimization into the Systray (2012-07-30): If you want, you can now minimize the tool into the systray. Advantage: Screenshots without the tool in the taskbar become possible.
- New Placeholder (2012-02-17): With the new placeholder %firstchars% in the file name, it is now possible to create a file name from the 40 first letters of the containing text.
- General Improvements (2012-01-18): Improvement of the Graphical User Interface (GUI), bug fixes as well as fixes for Windows 7 and Vista.
- Image Storage (2012-01-17): Improvement of the opening and saving functions of the formats PNG, PSD, ICO and CUR. In addition, it is now possible to save PSD files with or without layers.
- New Features for the History (2012-01-16): Possibility to delete the complete history and to save the whole text history in a single text file.
- User Experience (2012-01-15): Improvement of the user experience, for example in the case of selection boxes.
- Removal of unnecessary Options (2011-07-31): Deletion of the option to add contents to clipboard again. This option is now activated by default.
- Corrections (2011-07-30): Correction of some Internet links in the menu.
- Introduction of Placeholders (2011-07-29): In the file names, you can now use the placeholders %date% and %time%. This makes it possible to write the current date and/or the time into a file name.
- Loading and Saving of Configurations (2010-10-14): It is now possible to save and load settings and configurations of the Clipboard Saver. It is also possible to automatically load settings when the program starts.
- Improvement of Image Processing (2010-08-28): Optimization of the function "Cut Images from Clipboard to Size".
- Image View (2010-08-18): The image that is part of the clipboard content can now be moved with the mouse in the detail view.
- Cut Images from Clipboard to Size (2010-08-17): With this new function, it is now possible to crop images in the clipboard as you wish. This can be done using freely definable pixel sizes or a selection frame.
Note: Minor changes, such as updating an existing program translation or fixing a bug, are typically not included in this list. Therefore, if you find a newer version of the program in the download area than the most recent date in this list, we have typically made such a change to the program.