Main Window
On this page you will find an overview of all parts and functions of the main window of the ImageConverter with a description of the respective function. An explanation of the functions of other program parts of the ImageConverter can be found in the function overview.
The main program of the image converter is divided into four areas, which are separated by boxes from each other. The input area "Files" is concerned with adding the pictures to be edited. In the preview area, it is possible to look at the pictures and the applied changes in advance. The changes can be chosen in the box "Actions", where you are able to set all preferences. Finally, the box "Saving" is used to accomplish all of the saving options.
- Convert and Save (CTRL+S): Among the four boxes for each area you will find the button "Convert and Save" in the lower right corner. When you click on this button, all images that are currently in the list are processed according to your preferences (actions) and saved according to your saving options.
- Small X button in each area: In all areas like input, preview, actions and saving options, there is a small cross loacted in the upper right corner. When you click on this cross, the corresponding area is minimized and appears as a small button at the bottom left of the main window. With this button you can maximize the area and make it visible again. With this function it is possible to make the panes visible and invisible, and to work more efficient with a clearer view. For example, if you want to view an image in detail and you only have a small screen, it makes sense to close all the other three windows. Then the image would fill the entire main window and it is easy to see everyting.
The input area for files is located in the upper left corner of the main window. This area is used to add pictures from your hard drive to the list, so that the images can be processed and edited with the image converter. To add images, you can either drag some files from a folder to the list or you can open single files or whole folders to be scaned.
- Files > Open Folder..: Click this button to select a folder from your computer. The images from that folder will automatically be added to the list. If you only want to find pictures of a particular format, use the "Filter" button next to this button to select appropriate formats.
- Files > Enter Key in Folder-Box: You can also write or copy a folder in this box manually. By pressing the Enter Key, this folder is searched for files according to the filter settings.
- Files > Filter..: Click on "Filter" to limit the search in a folder on certain formats. It opens a new window, where you can either search for all supported formats or you can select only some formats, you want to look for. The filter settings are not related to adding files that are dragged from a folder in the list manually.
- Files > Search Subfolders: With this option selected, the search is not only limited to the given folder. All the files in subfolders of the given folder will be found, too.
- Files > Watch Content of Folder: This feature makes it possible to react directly to changes in the specified folder. If no folder is specified, this function has no effect. If, for example, a file in the folder is modified, created or deleted, the list in the input area is updated automatically and the regarding file will also be deleted or added. If the function "Search in Subfolders" is checked, Watch Folder also monitor the folder contents of the subdirectories.
- Files > Get Images from Clipboard: If this option is active, ypu can process and save images directly from your clipboard. Select this function and copy an image or a part of an image into your clipboard. After that, the Image Converter applies all of your selected actions to the image and saves the image in the selected folder in your desired file format. If no action is selected, the copied image will be saved without any changes.
- Files > List: In this list, there are all images that are processed in one pass. If you click on "Convert and Save", exactly these images will be manipulated. The images can be either added to the list by scanning a folder or you can drag them from a folder of your computer. In the list you will find information on the file name, the file type, the width and the height of the image, the file size and the file path.
- Files > Double Click on List: Opens the Dialog to open one or more Image Files.
- Files > List > Right Mouse Button on Item > Open corresponding Folder: Opens the parent folder of the file.
- Files > List > Right Mouse Button on Item > Show File Information: Displays the standard Windows file information to the appropriate file.
- Files > List > Right Mouse Button on Item > Copy selected Images to Clipboard: Copies the selected image or the selected images to the clipboard so that they can be stored with Paste (CTRL+V) into any folder on your computer.
- Files > List > Right Mouse Button on Item > Delete selected Images from List: Deletes the selected image or the selected images from the list. The images are not deleted from your computer, but only from the list.
- Files > Delete Selected: Deletes all the selected images from the list. The images are only deleted from the list, but not from your computer
- Files > Delete All: Deletes the entire list, so you can add new pictures. It only removes the list, of course, the files are still present on your computer.
Image Converter: Preview
In the bottom right of the main window, there is the preview pane. In this box, the images are displayed when they are selected in the list in the input area. Thus it is possible to gain an overview of the corresponding images. If the preview is activated, simultaneously, all actions (treatments) will be applied to the images, so that you can see, how the images will look like after the conversion.
- Preview > Preview (F7): Enables or disables the preview. When disabled, the preview only shows the normal source images from the list as a preview. When activated, all the selected actions are applied to the image, so that you can see how the image will look like after the conversion. By changing this setting, it is possible to see the changes between the original image and the converted images.
- Preview > Size: Here you can set the size of the preview image. This size only refers to the soze of the image in the preview image, not to an enlargement or a reduction of the image during the conversion. If you would like to change the image size, go to the actions-panel. Here you can choose the function "Change Image Size" to really change the size of the image. The setting here is only to see large images completely or to have a look at some details of pictures. On the one hand it is possible to reduce or enlarge the image with an arbitrary percentage value. On the other hand, there are the options "Adjust", "Original Size" and "Window Size". With "Adjust", the image is adapted to the size of the box if the original image is larger than the box. If the image fits to the box, it is displayed in its original size. The option "Original Size" allows it, to display the image in its original size, regardless of whether it fits into the window or not. If you set "Window Size", the image will always be enlarged or reduced to the size of the box.
- Preview > Original File: Here the source file path of the original file is displayed.
- Preview > New File: Here the new file path is displayed. When converting the current image, this file path and file name is used for saving. Depending on your saving options, the new file can be the same as the old file (the old file is overwritten) or you can change the folder, the file name or the file format.
Image Converter: Actions
In the column Actions on the upper right of the main window, it is determined how the image will be processed. To apply one of the actions, simply click on one of the available points. Then, a box with the appropriate settings opens, where you can customize the action to your needs. When you click on "Convert and Save", all of the selected actions will be applied to the images in the list. Before, you can consider the preview area. If the preview (F7) is activated, you can see here all of the changes at once. Behind each of the actions, there is the button "Options". With this button you can show and hide the options of the actions independet from its selection. Predefined, all of the actions hide, whenever selecting a new action. This behaviour can be changed in the menu under "Settings > Minimize Actions automatically".
- Actions > Change Image Size: With this option, you can change the size of the original image. It does not matter whether the image is enlarged or reduced. To change the image size, you only have to specify a maximum size.
- Actions > Change Image Size > Maximum Size: Here you specify the maximum size of the enlarged or reduced image. We talk about a maximum size and not about the future size because of the proportions. With keeping the proportions, sometimes the image can not be stretched to the maximum size exactly - otherwise it would be deformed or cut. If you deactivate the proportions, the image will be resized to the maximum size exactly, regardless of whether it is distorted. If the proportions are activated, the image will be resized in that way, that one side of the image reaches the maximum size and maybe the other side is smaller. There are some predetermined maximum sizes available or you can specify an arbitrary size as a custom setting. A further effect on the maximum size and the actual enlargement or reduction has the option "Distinction between Landscape and Portrait".
- Actions > Change Image Size > Options > Retain Proportions: If this option is activated, the proportions of the image will be kept and the image will only be resized in that way, that one side of the new resized image reaches the corresponding length of the maximum size - the image will be enlarged or reduced uniformly. If this option is disabled, the image will be resized exactly to the maximum size - even if this distortes the original image.
- Actions > Change Image Size > Options > Distinction between Landscape and Portrait: Some pictures are available in portrait mode, others in landscape mode. Depending on the mode of the orginal image to be resized, the maximum size would be another one for portrait or landscape pictures, if you do not rotate the image. So there will be a maximum size for the width and a maximum size for the height. Thus, a maximum size given in landscape mode can reduce a picture in portrait mode unnecessary, because the picture could be larger after rotating it. This option exactly deals with this rotation. If this option is activated, the images are rotated to fit the maximum size in the best way. If this option is disabled, there is no rotation and an image in portrait mode will be reduced, that it fits the landscape-maximum size in its portrait mode.
- Actions > Change Image Size > Options > Process if Original is larger than Maximum Size: With this option, the source images will only be changed, if they are larger than the maximum size. This option can be used, for example, if you only want to reduce images to a maximum size. Smaller images than the maximum size remain in there original size and are not enlarged.
- Actions > Change Image Size > Options > Process if Original is smaller than Maximum Size: With this option, the source images will only be changed, if they are smaller than the maximum size. With this options, it is possible to bring the images to a minimum size. The images, however, which are big enough will not be reduced, they remain in there large size.
- Actions > Change Image Size > Options > Resize Method: For the enlargement or the reduction, different methods can be used. Available are bicubic, bilinear and nearest resizing. Depending on the method, a different resizing formula is used and therefore there will be a different result and computational effort. Roughly speaking, the result of the bicubic method is best, but this method requires the most time. With the method of the nearest, it behaves exactly the other way. If you need further information on the appropriate methods, we suggest a internet search. There you can find enough information.
- Actions > Rotate and Mirror: With these options, it is possible to rotate or flip the source images as desired.
- Actions > Rotate and Mirror > Flip Vertically: This feature reflects the original image vertically.
- Actions > Rotate and Mirror > Flip Horizontally: This feature reflects the original images horizontally.
- Actions > Rotate and Mirror > Rotate to this Angle: This feature turns the source images at an angle that can be specified in the box next to the function.
- Actions > Color: In this box a few color settings can be made. First, it is possible to adjust or change the color values, and secondly, some options can be set to the image in general (almost artistic change).
- Actions > Color > Red: Maximizes or minimizes the amount of the color red in the original image. The value 0 corresponds to no change, values less than 0 (down to -100) decrease the amount of red and values greater than 0 (up to 100) increase the red component.
- Actions > Color > Green: Maximizes or minimizes the amount of the color green in the original image. The value 0 corresponds to no change, values less than 0 (down to -100) decrease the amount of green and values greater than 0 (up to 100) increase the green component.
- Actions > Color > Blue: Maximizes or minimizes the amount of the color blue in the original image. The value 0 corresponds to no change, values less than 0 (down to -100) decrease the amount of blue and values greater than 0 (up to 100) increase the blue component.
- Actions > Color > Color Image with the Red-Green-Blue Values: Choose this option to color your images to be processed with the choosen colors. The result is something different to unchecking this option. You should try both variants to decide which result is the best for you.
- Actions > Color > Gamma-Correction: With this option a Gamma color correction of the source image is possible. The value 1.0 corresponds to no change in the colors red, green and blue. Values below 1.0 reduce the corresponding color (minimum value 0) and values above 1.0 (up to infinity) amplifiers that color.
- Actions > Color > Options > Invert Colors (Negative): This inverts every color of the source image, creating a negative of the image. Each color is turned to its opposite color (for example black to white and white to black).
- Actions > Color > Options > Reduce Colors to so many Colors: With this option, a reduction of the colors of the image can be implemented. The maximum number of colors is specified in the box behind the option. If the maximum number of colors is one, the entire image will consist only of one color. If the maximim number of colors is two, the image will be reduced to two colors and so on.
- Actions > Color > Options > Swap this Colors: This options swaps two colors of the original image according to the settings in the two boxes.
- Actions > Brightness Contrast Saturation: With this option, contrast, brightness and saturation of the image can be enlarged or reduced.
- Actions > Brightness Contrast Saturation > Contrast: Changes the contrast of the image. The value 0 corresponds to no change, values below 0 (down to -100) reduce the contrast, values above 0 (up to 100) increase it.
- Actions > Brightness Contrast Saturation > Brightness: Changes the brightness of the image. The value 0 corresponds to no change, values below 0 (down to -100) reduce the brightness, values above 0 (up to 100) increase it.
- Actions > Brightness Contrast Saturation > Saturation: Changes the saturation of the image. The value 0 corresponds to no change, values below 0 (down to -100) reduce the saturation, values above 0 (up to 100) increase it.
- Actions > Blur: With this function, it is possible to blur images, that means you can add some fuzziness to your images. The intensity of the blur effect can be specified by the pixels, that are used for calculating the effect arround each pixel. The bigger this circumcircle, the bigger is the blur effect, but it also spends more time, because with every pixel, the computing time exponentiates. It is possible to adjust the hoizontal and vertical dimension independend from each other. With this, you can apply a motion blur, the image will only be blured in one direction. If you set "~" instead of a value in the vertical dimension, the same value as in the hoizontal dimension will be used, so the filter is squarish. Please note, that because of a faster preview, the blur effect is applied to the size of the preview image. So, it is possible that the effect looks a bit different if the original image has another size. Otherwise, the preview would spend much more time.
- Actions > Blur > Application of Gaussian Blur: With this option, the method "Gaussian Blur" is used for applying the blur effect. If this option is deactivated, an average filter will be used.
- Actions > Sharpness: With this function, you can sharpen your images. This can be a good choice whenever resizing images, because with the sharpening, the quality of resized images can be improved. With the scrollbar, you can adjust the intensity of the sharpening (0 is no effect) and under this, you can adjust the size of the used filter. Regulary, a size of 1 should be used, so that a filtzer of 3 x 3 pixels is used (1 pixel around each pixel). The bigger the circumcircle, the bigger is the effect - and so much longer takes the applying. Please note, that in the preview, the effect is applied to the size of the preview image, to guarentee a faster preview. Under circumstances, it is possible that there are diferent results when the original image has another size.
- Actions > Cut Image to Size: This allows you to cut the original image. In contrast to the resize function, this option do not stretch the original image. Instead, using the setting "Crop Pixels from the respective sides", the function cuts of strips of a given width from the sides of the image, so that the image size will become even smaller, but not the image itself. If you select the option "Keep Pixels on the respective Sides" instead, the pixel specifications will be applied in reverse. Instead of cutting off a strip of the specified width, the image is instead cropped on the specified sides so that it ultimately receives the specified number of pixels as the new width or height. To keep the full width or height, enter the value "0" in the corresponding fields.
- Actions > Cut Image to Size > Left/Right/Above/Below: Here you can specify for each side individually, how many pixels should cut off.
- Actions > Draw Frame around the Image: This option allows you to draw a border around the image.
- Actions > Draw Frame around the Image > Width of Frame: Here the width of the border in pixels can be specified.
- Actions > Draw Frame around the Image > Color of Frame: Here you can specify what color the frame should have. This can be written in the box either as a hexadecimal number (see pipette for conversion) or you can click on "Choose Color".
- Actions > Draw Frame around the Image > Enlarge Original Image for the Frame: With this option, the original image is enlarged to the size of the frame on each side, so nothing is cut off from the image. If this option is not active, the frame is drawn directly on the image without enlargement, so that the image is obscured by the border.
- Actions > Color Channels: An image can be devided in different color channels. If the image is coded in the RGB colors red, green and blue (for more information: RGB Color Model), the channels for red, green and blue can be deleted or added individually. Depending on the activated and deactivated channels, the image looks different. If the image is coded in the colors cyan, magenta, yellow and keyplate (black), we speak about the CMYK coding (for more information: CMYK Color Model), used in the Process-Color Printing. This function enables you to devide the colors used in the image into RGB or CMYK channels and to display only one or some of these channels. In the box "Set missing Channel to", you can adjust with witch color a deleted channel should be replaced. If no color channel is active, this color will be displayed and if there are some color channels active, it also depends on this color, how the result looks like.
- Actions > Add Watermark or Image: This option lets you insert an image into the original image. This image can be copied to the original image as a watermark (with any transparency) or it can be pasted in the original image without transparency as a normal image. With this option it is possible, for example, to add your logo to images, that you want to publish on the Internet, so that the image can not be used somewhere else without showing your sign.
- Actions > Add Watermark or Image > Image Source: At this point, you specify the image file that will be used as a watermark or an image. You can either choose an image from your computer with "Open Image" or manually enter the file path of the picture in the box.
- Actions > Add Watermark or Image > Transparency: Here you specify how transparent the image should be. You can use values between 0 and 100. With a transparency of 0, the picture is not visible, with a transparency of 100, it is completely visible. In between, we get the typical watermark, so that the original image shines through the inserted image.
- Actions > Add Watermark or Image > Size of Image > Original Size of Watermark-File: The inserted image is inserted in its original size and not enlarged or reduced in size.
- Actions > Add Watermark or Image > Size of Image > Size of Images to be processed: The inserted image is resized to the size of the original image. Thus, the inserted image covers the original image completely, if the position if the inserted image is centered or at 0,0 from the upper left.
- Actions > Add Watermark or Image > Size of Image > User-Defined: Here you can enter the width and the height of the inserted image freely.
- Actions > Add Watermark or Image > Position of the Watermark: With this option you can specify at witch position the inserted image is inserted to the original image. Select "Centered" to center the image in the middle of the original image. Otherwise, it is possible to insert the image at any distance from the left or right and up or down.
- Actions > Add Watermark or Image > Use this Color for Transparency: If you add a logo or something similar, that is not absolutely square, this function is exactly right for you. You can create a file in a paint program, which is surrounded by a certain color. Then choose this color as transparent color. Pixels with this color are not copied from the inserted image to the original image, so that this positions appear transparent. You can type the color to be used as transparent color directly to the box (you can use the pipette) or you can choose a color with the "Choose Color" button.
- Actions > Add Text: With this function you can write any text on your images. You can decide for yourself how the text should look like and of course the text can go over multiple lines and contain any Unicode characters. The text to be inserted, you can type in the box above in the action. You can also use placeholders within the text, for example for the current date or the respective file name of the image. Below the box, you can specify what font, font color and background color should be used. To select the font, you can simply click on the button "Font". In the opening menu, you can also set whether the font should be printed in bold or italics and specify the size of the font. Especially with very large images, a sufficiently large font should be used, so that the text can be seen well. When choosing the font or background color, you can either use the pipette to record colors on your screen (button "Pipette") or choose the color in a color dialog (button "Choose"). Beneath these preferences, there are some additional settings like transparency, size and position of lettering. These functions are explained below.
- Actions > Add Text > Use Transparent Background: With this option, the background can be set transparent. As a transparent color, always the currently set background color is used. If you would like to have no transparent background, under the writing an appropriately colored box in the background color is placed.
- Actions > Add Text > Transparency: This setting refers to the transparency of the lettering and background as a whole. Here you can specify whether the text should appear clear or the original image should shine through the text. You can enter values between zero and 100 in the box or use the slider. With a transparency of 100, you can not see the writing any more, with a transparency of zero, you see it completely.
- Actions > Add Text > Size: There are three possible settings for the size of the text. First, it is possible to orient the size on the font size. This means that the text is taken in the font that is currently set in the settings and the lettering is copied without changing anything to the original image. The option "Size of the Image to be processed" increases the lettering so that it covers the entire size of the original image. The custom setting allows you to use any size in pixels.
- Add Text > Position of the Text: Here you can choose on what position of the original image the writing should be inserted. Either you can set the text in the middle of the original image ("Center") or position the image with a custom distance in pixels from the left or right edge, and top or bottom edge.
- Order of Actions: When working on an image file, it is important, in which order all of the functions are carried out. So if you make a picture black and white and after that you color the image, it would be another effect as if you color the image and make it black and white after that. One of the images would be colored, the other one would be black and white - although the image was treated with exactly the same functions. It depends on the order! And this order, you can set in this area. On the left, you can see a list of all functions. Used functions are black, functions that are not in use are grayed. Now you can move the functions with the mouse up and down to adjust the order, you wish. Alternatively, you can also use the two buttons on the right to move the list items. The functions on the top of the list will be carried out first.
Image Converter: Saving
The last area of the main window takes care of saving the image. Here you can specify whether the original image should be overwritten or whether a new folder, a new file name or a different format should be used for this.
- Save > Overwrite original File: This overwrites the original image with the modified image. We do not recommend this feature, because the original image can not be restored. You should save the image as a new picture, because it could be, that you want to undo certain changes, which is no longer possible if the original image is overwritten.
- Save > Save as new File: Select this option to save the image as a new image.
- Save > Folder: Here you can set the folder, in which the images will be saved. You can either select a folder on your computer or write a folder in the box. In the box, it is also possible to choose some constants. With the constant "<keep>", the original folder of the image is kept, even if there are images from different folders in your list. If you type in "%folder%/new", the constant %folder% will be replaced with the old folder and a new folder "new" will be made for the images in the original folder. Of course, with this constant it is possible to create lots of folders in different folders, if the images from the list are not in the same folder. In this case a new folder is created in every folder with images in the list.
- Save > File Name: Here you specify the new filename of the image. Also in this field, constants can be used. Besides "<keep>", which keeps the old file name, especially the constant %name% is interesting. This constant is replaced with the old file name of the image (without extension). For example with "%name%-1" in the box, every file name will be appended with "-1". The original file image.jpg will be saved as image-1.jpg after the conversion. The constant %num% provides a continuous numbering of the files in the order they appear in the list. Thus, the first file has the number 1, the second file is designated by 2 and so on. With the constant %0num% you can also number the files continuosly, with the exception, that leading zeros are used. For example, if there are 100 files in the list, the numbers will be 001, 002, 003 up to 100. The constant %abs% is replaced with the absolute number of the images in the list and with the constants %width% and %height% you can add the width and the height of the images into the file name. Of course, it is also possible to combine the constants and add any text to the mask. For example you can type "%0num%-%abs% %name% and once again %name% (%width%-%height%)" into the box. If the original file is pic.jpg (size 122x344 pixels) is processed and this file is the 17th file in a list of 200 images, the new file name will be: "017-200 pic and once again pic (122-344).jpg".
- Save > File Format: Here you can choose a file format, with witch the image is saved. You can either keep the original file format with "<keep>" or you can choose one of the given formats from the box. A list of all supported formats, you can find under the topic formats on this page.
- Save > Delete Original Files: With this option activated, the original files will be deleted after processing and saving as new files. Attention! By doing this, the original files can not be restored - only the processed and changed files will be kept, so that it is not possible to undo the changes. You should only use this function if you do not need the original files any more. This function is usefull whenever you do not have enough place on your harddrive to save both, the original and the processed files. Because this function can result in loosing files, this option will always be deactivated after loading a configuration.