The InfoCenter
In the InfoCenter, we are collecting general information about our applications as well as things to know about the used concepts.
Our applications of the newest generation are providing a unified system for storing settings. We are introducing this system in the section settings.
File Extensions and Shortcuts
In this sections, we are introducing the file extensions used by our programs and we show you how to create shortcuts for files and the applications.
Since 2009, we have shifted all of our applications to Unicode. This makes it possible to use the programs worldwide with an arbitrary set of letters and characters. In this section we are providing an introduction to this topic.
Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions can make your work easier at many points. In this section, we give you an overview with which of our applications you can use regular expression and how you can benefit from this concept.
We want to make all people around the world understand our programs. You can help us with this.