Main Window
On this page you will find an overview of all parts and functions of the main window of the ClipboardSaver with a description of the respective function. An explanation of the functions of other program parts of the ClipboardSaver can be found in the function overview.
The main window is divided into three general areas. On the left side, you can see the "History", where all clipboard activities will be archived. With a doubleclick on one of the items, you can copy the old content to the clipboard again. On the right side, you can see the areas "Content of the Clipboard" and "Actions". In the box "Content of the Clipboard", always the current content of the clipboard is displayed (without applying the actions) and in the box "Actions" you can adjust some settings to manipulate or save the contents of the clipboard. All areas will be explained in the following.
- History: In this box, the history sorted by time, type and content is displayed. So, you can see what was in the clipboard at which time. When double clicking on one of the items, this content will be copied to the clipboard again, so that you can insert and use this content for another time. Under the box, you can adjust whether images and/or texts should be added to the history box at all. With the key "DEL" you can delete individual items, whenever the history become confusing or you do not need the entries anymore.
- Content of the Clipboard: In this window, always the current content of the clipboard is displayed, whenever there is a text or a image is in the clipboard. With the rider "Text" or "Image" you can display the content directly while you can use the rider "Details" to show how your clipboard looks in detail, because most applications are copying more to the clipboard than you are ever thinking about. Please note that all changes carried out with the "Actions" will not be displayed in this window. If the image is larger than the box, you can use your mouse to move the image. Simply hold the mouse down and move the mouse to move the image.
- Actions: In this box, you can set which contents of the clipboard should be manipulated or saved. Simply activate one or more of the actions for that. The actions are explained in the following:
- Actions > Clipboard Text: Search and Replace: In the box "Search for", you can enter a text which will be replaced by the text written in the box "Replace with". Optionally, you can use regular expressions in one or both of the boxes with the option "As RegEx" behind the boxes. With the option "case sensitive" under the boxes, you can define whether the search should be carried out case sensitive or not.
- Actions > Clipboard Text: Search and Replace > Options for multiple Replacements: If you want to carry out more than one replacement at the same time, activate this option. After that a list appears, to which you can add the strings from the "Search" and the "Replace" box with "Add to Table", so that you can define new replacements. With the function "Clear Boxes", the "Search" and the "Replace" box will be deleted and with the function "Delete Selected" or the "DEL" key, you can delete items from the table. First, the replacements from the boxes will be carried out, after that the replacements from the list. The order can be changed by rearranging the items with drag and drop.
- Actions > Clipboard Text: Add Text: Here you can define a text that will be written in front or behind the text in the clipboard. If you do not want to add texts to both sides of the clipboard text, just leave the boxes blank.
- Actions > Clipboard Text: Save automatically: Enter a directory, a file name and a file format for the saved texts. The string %num% in the file name will be replaced by a number, so that files will not be overwritten. The constants %date% and %time% you can use to insert the current date and time into the filename and the parameter %firstchars% will be replaced with the first 40 characters of the file. So you can directly from the file name which text is stored to the file. The coding of the text files can be set in the settings menu, where you can select Unicode formats or ANSI text.
- Actions > Clipboard Images: Cut to Size: Here you can define that images in the clipboard will automatically cutted to a size. There are two possibilities to define this size. You can define directly how many pixels should be cutted at the sides or you can choose the cutout with a marquee directly. If the option with the marquee is activated, everytime adding an image to the clipboard, a window will open where you can select the cutout with your mouse. After selecting the cutout, simply click on "OK" and the cutout will be used.
- Actions > Clipboard Images: Resize: With this option, you can resize images in your clipboard to a desired size. Enter the maximum pixel width and the maximum pixel height. The images will then scaled, so that it fits optimal into this size. With the option "Keep proportions", you can choose whether the proportions should be kept or not. If you deactivate this option, the image will be resized to the given size without carying about proportions.
- Actions > Clipboard Images: Save automatically: Enter a directory, a file name and a file format for saving the images. In the file name you can use the string %num%, which will be replaced with a number, so that you can create several files without overwriting the old ones.
- Actions > Clipboard Images: Save automatically: Save Image before/after Resizing: Defines whether the images should be saved scaled or unscaled. You can also activate both options. Then the images will be saved as original and as original version. In addition, %date% and %time% as constants are possible in the filenams. With this, you can include the current date and time.