

This page introduces all placeholders that you can use in the ClipboardSaver within file names when saving clipboard content. During storage, the respective placeholders are replaced by the content they represent. They can stand alone as well as be combined with any other text or placeholders.

Some of the placeholders, such as the placeholders for numbering, the current date or the current time, can be used in all file names. Other placeholders can only be used when saving certain types of clipboard content.

Placeholders for Texts

The following placeholders can only be used for saving text content from the clipboard using the action "Texts > Save". All of these placeholders refer to the text to be saved and extract different parts from it. In this way, a text can be saved under its content.

%text%Full text
%chars,x,y%Characters x to y from the text. For example, the placeholder %chars,1,5% stands for the first five characters, while the placeholder %chars,3,7% stands for characters 3 to 7.
%chars,-x,y%Number of y characters starting from character x counted from behind. Accordingly, the placeholder %chars,-1,1% stands for the last character of a text, the placeholder %chars,-4,2% stands for the characters "23" when applied to the text "12345". If a negative value is also used for y, y does not stand for the number of characters but for the character position. So, with %chars,-4,-2% the characters "234" would be extracted from the text "12345".
%wordX%Word number X from the text. Positive values ​​of X count the words from the beginning, negative values ​​of X count the words from the end. Only the space is used as a separator between the words.
%wordexX%Word number X from the text. Positive values ​​of X count the words from the beginning, negative values ​​of X count the words from the end. In addition to spaces, also hyphens, underscores, periods and commas are accepted as separators between words.
%words,x,y%Words x to y from the text. If x is negative, it is counted from the back. This placeholder works the same as %chars,x,y% and %chars,-x,y% but for words instead of characters.

Placeholders for Images

The placeholders %width% and %height% can only be used for saving image content from the clipboard using the action "Images > Save". Using these placeholders, you can write the width and the height of an image from the clipboard directly into its file name.

%width%Image width
%height%Image height

Placeholders for File Lists

The placeholder %abs% can only be used in the file name of file lists to be saved, that is only in the action "Files > Save File List". With this placeholder it is possible to write the number of files of the list in their file name.

%abs%Number of files in the file list


The following placeholders can be used for numbering files. These placeholders can be inserted into all file names, regardless of whether text content, image content or file lists are stored. However, the numbering for texts, images and file lists is done independently of each other. This means that the first saved image, like the first saved text or the first saved file list, is given the number 1. With each storage, this number is then increased by 1 for the respective content type.

%num%Number of File
%0num%Number with one leading zero (for example 01)
%00num%Number with two leading zeros (for example 001)
%000num%Number with three leading zeros (for example 0001)
%0000num%Number with four leading zeros (for example 00001)
%0...0num%Number with an arbitrary number of leading zeros
%alph-a%Numbering with lowercase letters instead of numbers
%alph-A%Numbering with uppercase letters instead of numbers

Current Date and Time

Also the following placeholders for the current date and the current time can be used in all types of file names, regardless of the content to be saved. These placeholders make it possible to write a time stamp of the saving time into a file name.

%date%Current date in the format "year-month-day" (two or four digits with leading zeros if necessary; short form for %yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%) date in the format "day.month.year" (two or four digits with leading zeros if necessary; short form for %dd%.%mm%.%yyyy%)
%yyyy-mm-dd%Current date in the format "year-month-day" (two or four digits with leading zeros if necessary; short form for %yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%)
%time%Current time in the format "hour-minute-second" (two digits with leading zeros if necessary; short form for %hh%-%ii%-%ss%)
%hh-mm-ss%Current time in the format "hour-minute-second" (two digits with leading zeros if necessary; short form for %hh%-%ii%-%ss%)
%hh-mm%Current time in the format "hour-minute" (two digits with leading zeros if necessary; short form for %hh%-%ii%)
%yyyy%Current year written with four digits
%yy%Current year written with two digits
%mm%Current month, always two digits, leading zeros if necessary
%m%Current month, one or two digits without leading zeros
%dd%Current day, always two digits, leading zeros if necessary
%d%Current day, one or two digits without leading zeros
%hh%Current hour, always two digits, leading zeros if necessary
%h%Current hour, one or two digits without leading zeros
%ii%Current minute, always two digits, leading zeros if necessary
%i%Current minute, one or two digits without leading zeros
%ss%Current second, always two digits, leading zeros if necessary
%s%Current second, one or two digits without leading zeros