Main Window
On this page you will find an overview of all parts and functions of the main window of the ImageResizer with a description of the respective function. An explanation of the functions of other program parts of the ImageResizer can be found in the function overview.
The main program is divided into the three steps "Select Images", "Choose Size" and "Save". These steps can be select directly through the buttons at the top of the window or you can use the button "Forward" in the upper right of the main window, with which you can go through the steps. In the last step, this button changes to "Save Images", so that you can resize and save all selected images according to the settings in a final step.
- Select Images: In this step, you can decide, which images should be resized.
- Select Images > Open Folder: Opens the dialog to select a folder, which will be searched for images. It is also possible to write or copy a folder into the box and click on the return key to add this folder.
- Select Images > Filter: Opens the filter dialog, in which you can set which file formats should be added from the folder and whether you want to search sub directories, too.
- Select Images > List: In this list, there are all files that should be processed. You can drag and drop files from arbitrary directories to this list and you can delete files from the list by using the DEL key. If you right click on the files in the list, other options will be shown.
- Select Images > Delete Selected: Deletes the selected images from the file list.
- Select Images > Delete All: Deletes the complete file list.
- Choose Size: Here you can adjust how the images should be enlarged or shrinked. Other settings can be found in the menu "Settings > Options". This menu can also be called with the button "More Options" on the size panels.
- Choose Size > Resize to Pixel Size: Here you can select one of the pre-defined sizes for your resizing. If you keep the proportions, the selected size can be understood as maximum size. If the proportions are not kept, the images will be scaled exactly to the selected size without careing about proportions.
- Choose Size > Resize to Custom Pixel Size: Here you can enter an arbitrary size for your images in pixels. Again, it is possible to keep proportions or not.
- Choose Size > Percentage Scale: With this option, you can enter a scaling factor in percent, so that you can, for example, halve (50 percent) or double (200 percent) the images. Of course, you can scale with proportions again. If both values are the same, you are always scaling proportional, but you can also enter different values, for example 50% width and 200% height to stretch the images.
- Choose Size > Factor/Ratio Scaling: Here you can type a factor with which the image will be scaled. You can use integers such as "2" ( images is scaled with factor 2), fractions such as "1/3" (image will be scaled with factor 0.33333...) or ratios such as "4:2" (image will be shrinked with factor 2).
- Choose Size > Resize to File Size: Here you can enter a file size, the new images should have. That means, the images will be scaled to a size in which they have nearly the desired size. Sometimes it is not possible to reach the exact file size.
- Save: In this step, you can select how to save the images will all saving settings.
- Save > Overwrite Original File: The new images will overwrite the old images. Attention! The old images can not be restored after overwriting them with the new ones.
- Save > Save as New File: The resized images will be saved as new images. It is possible to enter a folder, a file name and an arbitrary file format. In each box, you can also select <keep> to use the attributes of the old image. In addition, you can use some variables in the names, which are then replaced by their meaning. For instance, the file name %name%-new would use the old name in addition to the string "-new" at the end of the name. The following variables are available: %folder% (name of the old folder), %name% (name of the old file), %num% (number of the image in the list), %0num% (number with leading zeros), %abs% (absolute number of all images in the file list), %width% (width of the image) and %height% (height of the image). Of course you can also use more than one variables in the same file name.