Over the menu "Settings > Options", you can reach the options, where you can adjust some settings. An explanation of the functions of other program parts of the ImageResizer can be found in the function overview.
- Distinction between Landscape and Portrait: If this option is enabled, the original image will be scaled to the new image so that it fits best into the desired size. This can be in landscape or portrait. If the option is disabled, the image will be scaled without this distinction. For example when scaling a 800 x 600 image to 400 x 300, the resulting image will be 400 x 300 in each case the original language is in landscape. If the original image is portrait (600 x 800) and the distinction is enabled, it will be scaled to 300 x 400, too. If the distinction is disabled, it will be scalled to 400 x 533.
- Process if Original is smaller/larger than Maximum Size: With this option enabled, the image will only be resized if the original image is smaller or larger than the maximum size. So it is possible to add some images and all images that are larger than the maximum size will be scaled down but the other images will not be scaled up.
- Resize Method: Here you can select the resize method which can be Bicubic, Bilinear or Nearest. Other methods result in other processing times and other image quality. It depends on what you want to do.
- Output Quality for the Formats JPEG, JNG, MNG and JPG2000: The output quality can be adjusted for this functions. A better quality results in a higher file size and vice versa. Again, it depends on what you want to do.
- Use Progressive-Function for the Formats JPEG, JNG and MNG: With this function, the progressive function is used for this file formats, so that the images can be displayed faster on the web.