
The Search Function

The search function can be called by clicking in the menu on "Search > Search" or with the keyboard shortcut "CTRL-F" instead. With this function you can show or hide the search box in the upper part of the main window.

In addition to an input field, this panel consists of the three buttons "Search", "Options" and "Show All". Write your search time in the input field and click on "Search" to carry out a simple query. If you want to go back to the list of all songs of your playlist, click on "Show All" to hide your search result.

Custom Search

Use the button "Options" to show the advanced search options on the left of the main window. These options are divided into the colums to be searched in (like artist or album) and the search criteria.

First, you can specify which columns of the playlist may be searched in. Available columns are the columns artist, title, length, album, track, year, genre or the filepath and filename. It is possible to apply one or more or all of these columns. The search term can appear in one of the selected columns.

Search Criteria

The chosen criteria decide how the keyword in the input field is treated. Of course you can combine all of the different options with each other. As an example we will use the keyword "Word1 Word2".

The option "Lower and Upper" determines whether the search is case-sensitive or not. If this option is selected, "word1 word2" does not correspond with our search criteria, "Word1 Word2" is a hit.

The option "Exact Term" only searches for the exact and exclusive term "Word1 Word2" in a column. If this option is selected, a column with "Word1 Word2 Word3" will not be found. If this option is not selected, this column would be a hit. If you search for "Pop", for example, you can decide with this options if "Pop Rock" should be a hit or not.

The "Inverse Search" turns the result over. It is almost a negative of your normal query. Looking for a particular artist and using the inverse search, all songs by other artists are displayed, but not the artist, you've been looking for.

With the "Whole Term" option, blanks in the input field are treated as if they were part of the whole term. Accordingly, only the matches are found, in which the "Word1" and "Word2" are behind each other seperated with a blank. "Word1 Word2" would be a hit, "Word1Word2" not.

With the "AND-Relation", you can search for songs in which both "Word1" and "Word2" occur. These two words must not be exactly behind each other in an item to be a hit. Thus, for example, a song with the title "Word1 Word3 Word2" is a hit with the "AND-Relation" and no hit with the option "Whole Term".

The "OR-Relation" finds all matches in which either "Word1" or "Word2" occur. If you would like to hear both Metal and Rock, simply put "Rock Metal" in the input box and search with the "OR-Relation". Now, all the titles are found, which includes either rock or metal.

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