First Steps
On this page, you learn about how to use the SlippyClerk.
Your first Sequence
Simply start the SlippyClerk and click on the button "Write" on the bottom of the upper area. The row 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 7 8 9,10 will appear in the lower box with the name "Output". This row is predefined and for example you can copy this row to your clipboard by using the button below the Output.
Modifying the Sequence
Certainly this series is already quite nice, but maybe you also want to write other series. Just try a little bit around in the settings at the top to get used to the application. For example, you can change the text in front of or behind the number. At the moment, there is no text in front of the number defined, but a comma and a space after the number. Simply type any text or space in the boxes and then output them together with the number to see what happens. In addition, you can also vary the starting point and the endpoint of the sequence, the distance between each number, you can change the padding to a specific length, or use decimal places. Just try a little bit with the individual possibilities, nothing can go wrong and in the preview you can always see the current result.
Letter Sequences
So far, we have been working with number sequences. If you click on "Letter Sequences" at the top of the main window, you change the mode and can write a series of letters instead of numbers. The functionality is the same. Instead of defining the beginning and the end of your series with a number, you can now define a letter.
The third mode of the SlippClerk are the multiple sequences. This mode makes it possible to combine any number of text elements, number sequences or letter sequences and to output them as often as you want one after the other. At the top left you can define your text elements, number sequences or letter sequences and then click on "Add". As a result, the respective element appears on the right side in the box "Elements". From these elements later your series is composed. Under "Repetitions" you can now define how often all your defined elements should be written consecutively. Each repetition counts each element up or down by the defined increase.