Main Window
On this page you will find an overview of all parts and functions of the main window of SlippyClerk with a description of the respective function. An explanation of the functions of other program parts of SlippyClerk can be found in the function overview.
In the upper part of the main window, you can select one of the modes number sequences, letter sequences, or multi-sequences that are suitable for writing number series, series of letters, or combined series. The functions of each mode are explained below.
If you are still a user of an old version of SlippyClerk, you can find an overview of the old functions here.
Number Sequences
In this mode you can create number sequences like "1 2 3". With the settings you can specify to write any text before or after the number, the distance between the numbers, the number of decimal places or you can fill the number to a certain length.
- Text before number: This text is written to the number sequence before each number. Any text, special characters, Unicode characters and the placeholders <empty>, <tab>, <linebreak> and <space> can be used in this field and combined as desired.
- Numbers: Here you can specify from which number up to which number and with which distance your number series should be created. If the first number is smaller than the second one, the result is an ascending row. If the second number is greater than the second, a descending row is generated. By default, the distance of 1 ensures that it is counted 1, 2, 3. With a distance of 2 it would be 1, 3, 5. As a distance, fractions such as 1/3 or comma numbers such as 0.5 can also be used, so that, for example, 1.0; 1.5; 2.0 would be counted. The fields below the row of numbers let you specify whether your number should be padded with leading zeros (or any other characters) and whether the number should be followed by a fractional part. With the setting 0 in both fields, the number is not padded and written without decimal places. The pad character can be any character. The placeholders <empty>, <tab>, <linebreak> and <space> can also be used in this field.
- Text after Number: This text is written to the number sequence after each number. Any text, special characters, Unicode characters and the placeholders <empty>, <tab>, <linebreak> and <space> can be used in this field and combined as desired.
- Preview: If the preview is activated in the menu "Settings > General > Preview", a preview of the expected number sequence will be displayed here. The preview is updated as soon as you change one of the fields.
- Write: Writes the number sequence to the output according to the current settings.
- Save: Saves the current output as text file.
- Clipboard: Copies the current output to the clipboard.
- Clear: Deletes the current output.
Letter Sequences
In this mode, you create letter sequences like "A B C". With the settings you can specify to write any text in front of or behind the letters, determine the distance between the individual letters or fill the letters to a certain length.
- Text before: This text is written to the letter sequence before each letter. Any text, special characters, Unicode characters and the placeholders <empty>, <tab>, <linebreak> and <space> can be used in this field and combined as desired.
- Letters: Here you can specify from which letter up to which letter and with which distance your letter series should be created. You can use uppercase letters, lowercase letters as well as numbers in these fields. Numbers stand for the respective position of the letter in the alphabet. After the letter Z, counting is continued with AA. It is therefore also possible to make entries such as AZ or BAA. If the position of the first letter in the alphabet is smaller than that of the second letter, the result is an ascending series. A descending sequence is generated when the opposite is the case. With a distance of 1 the output is A, B, C. A distance of two would result in A, C, E. You can use fractions such as 1/3 or comma values such as 0.5 as a distance, in which case the letter at the rounded number position is used. Use the fields below the letter row to specify whether the letters should be padded to a specific length. With 0 no padding is made, with 3 and the character X for example XXA, XXB, XXC. The pad character can be any character. The placeholders <empty>, <tab>, <linebreak> and <space> can also be used in this field.
- Text after: This text is written to the letter sequence after each letter. Any text, special characters, Unicode characters and the placeholders <empty>, <tab>, <linebreak> and <space> can be used in this field and combined as desired.
- Preview: If the preview is activated in the menu "Settings > General > Preview", a preview of the expected letter sequence will be displayed here. The preview is updated as soon as you change one of the fields.
- Write: Writes the letter sequence to the output according to the current settings.
- Save: Saves the current output as text file.
- Clipboard: Copies the current output to the clipboard.
- Clear: Deletes the current output.
Multiple sequences offer the possibility to combine text, number sequences and letter sequences. On the left side you can define the sequences, which you can then add to the "Elements" box on the right. The elements of this box are then written consecutively as many times as defined in the "Repetitions" field.
- Text: Here you can define a text element for your sequence. Any text, special character, Unicode character and the placeholders <empty>, <tab>, <linebreak> and <space> can be used in the text field. "Add" adds your text element to the elements on the right side from which the output will be built. If you mark an old text element in the box on the right side, it will be reloaded and can be added as a new element via "Add" or changed and replaced via "Replace".
- Number Sequence: Here you define a number sequence element for your series. As start you can use a number, a fraction like 1/3 or a comma number like 1.5. At the first repetition, your number sequence will start at this number. In which direction and with which speed your number sequence increases, is determined with the increment. Here you can set the value that counts your starting number up or down at each repetition. The first field after the padding indicates to how many characters should be padded. The padding character used is defined in the second field, placeholders can be used. The last field indicates the number of desired decimal places for your number. "Add" adds your number element to the elements box on the right side from which the output will be built. If you select an old number sequence element in the box on the right, it will be reloaded and can be added as a new element via "Add" or changed and replaced via "Replace".
- Letter Sequence: Here you define a letter sequence element for your series. The start can be a lowercase or uppercase letter, multiple letters or a number. The number stands for the position of the letter in the alphabet. At the first repetition, your letter sequence will start at that letter. In which direction and with which speed your letter sequence increases, is determined with the settings behind "increment". Here you can specify the value with which your output letter is counted up or down with each repetition. The first field after the padding indicates with how many characters your letter should be padded. The padding character used can be specified in the second field, placeholders can be used. "Add" adds your letter sequence element to the elements on the right, from which the output is built. If you select an old letter sequence in the elements box on the right, it will be reloaded and can be added as a new element via "Add" or changed and replaced via "Replace".
- Elements: This box lists all elements that you have defined so far via the settings on the left side and from which the current sequence will be composed. When selecting an element, it is loaded again into the corresponding fields on the left side and can be edited there. After editing, you can click the "Add" button to add the element as a new element to the element list or "Replace" to replace the selected element with the element being edited. With the buttons "Clear" and "Remove Selected" under the element list, you can delete either the entire list or the marked elements from the list.
- Repetitions: Here you specify how often all elements from the elements box are written one after the other. For example, if you enter "10", a series of numbers defined in the element box will be output and counted up ten times in succession.
- Write: Creates a multi-sequence according to the elements defined in the elements box with the number of repetitions specified in the "Repetitions" field.
- Save: Saves the current output as text file.
- Clipboard: Copies the current output to the clipboard.
- Clear: Deletes the current output.