
Alphabet and Character Frequency: Macedonian (Македонски)

On this page you will find tables containing the frequencies of letters in the Macedonian language as well as information on the Macedonian alphabet (the letters used in the Macedonian language).

The list may only be used together with the internet adress sttmedia.com and the prior consent of Stefan Trost (contact).

Letter Frequencies of the language Macedonian

Below you can see a table showing the frequencies of letters, as they occur in the Macedonian language. This list was created with the character counter, which is integrated in the WordCreator. Basis of this list was a Macedonian text with 1,996,246 characters (302,511 words), 1,599,828 characters were used for the counting. The text consists of a good mix of different literary genres. Of course, if another text was used as a basis, the result would be slightly different.

The first list is sorted alphabetically according to the letters, the second list by the frequencies of the letters. Accordingly, the letters А, О and И are the most frequent letters in the Macedonian language.

А13.16 %
Б1.50 %
В4.33 %
Г1.73 %
Ѓ0.13 %
Д3.78 %
Е8.36 %
Ж0.45 %
З1.70 %
Ѕ0.02 %
И9.66 %
Ј1.81 %
К3.96 %
Ќ0.17 %
Л3.54 %
Љ0.01 %
М2.21 %
Н7.28 %
Њ0.36 %
О10.56 %
П2.78 %
Р5.18 %
С4.78 %
Т7.06 %
У2.22 %
Ф0.42 %
Х0.30 %
Ц0.79 %
Ч0.84 %
Џ0.07 %
Ш0.72 %
А13.16 %
О10.56 %
И9.66 %
Е8.36 %
Н7.28 %
Т7.06 %
Р5.18 %
С4.78 %
В4.33 %
К3.96 %
Д3.78 %
Л3.54 %
П2.78 %
У2.22 %
М2.21 %
Ј1.81 %
Г1.73 %
З1.70 %
Б1.50 %
Ч0.84 %
Ц0.79 %
Ш0.72 %
Ж0.45 %
Ф0.42 %
Њ0.36 %
Х0.30 %
Ќ0.17 %
Ѓ0.13 %
Џ0.07 %
Ѕ0.02 %
Љ0.01 %

Lists of Macedonian syllable frequencies can be found here.

Usage Note

The list may only be used together with the internet adress sttmedia.com and the prior consent of Stefan Trost (contact). If you need additional lists, for example in a different sorting or on the basis of another source, we can provide this list. Simply write to us. The price of this service depends on the effort required to create your desired list.

The Macedonian Alphabet

The following table shows the letters from the Cyrillic alphabet used in Macedonian. The Macedonian alphabet consists of 31 letters. The Cyrillic letters partly correspond to the look of the letters from the Latin and the Greek alphabet, but the pronunciation can differ from the Latin and Greek letters.

In the first column you can see the capital letters, followed by the lowercase letters and the pronunciations of the letters. The last column contains the scientific transliteration used when rewriting a Cyrillic text into Latin letters. Differing from the scientific transliteration, sometimes other letters are used in German and English for an transcription. If there are differences in the German (de) or the English (en) transcription, the corresponding rules deviating from the scientific transliteration are specified in brackets after the scientific transliteration rule. If nothing is noted, the German and English transcription is equal to the scientific transliteration.

The shown transliteration as well as the English and German transcription can be created with the software Text Converter automatically for arbitrary texts. Further information, you get on the page Transcriptions.

ВвWV (de: W)
ЕеEE (E; de: JE; en: YE) ¹
ЖжSCHŽ (de: SCH; en: ZH)
ЗзSZ (de: S)
КкKK (de: X instead of KS)
ЌќЌK (en: C)
ХхCHCH (en: KH)
ЦцZC (de: Z; en: TS)
ЧчTSCHČ (de: TSCH; en: CH)
ШшSCHŠ (de: SCH; en: SH)

If you want to learn the Cyrillic alphabet, you can use the AnswerCoach. More information regading this, you can find on this page.


¹ Only after Cyrillic vowels, at the beginning of words and after the soft sign Ь JE / YE is used, otherwise E is used.

Convert Cyrillic to Latin

To rewrite a text consisting of Cyrillic letters to Latin letters (or vice versa), you can use the software Text Converter. By default, this program supports all the transcriptions shown here, so you can do the conversion immediately with just one click. See the transcriptions page for more information and instructions for the transcription.