

Languages:English, Dansk (Danish), Deutsch (German), Español (Spanish), Français (French), Italiano (Italian), Nederlands (Dutch), Polski (Polish), Português do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese), Български (Bulgarian), Русский (Russian), Српски (Serbian), العربية (Arabic), 日本語 (Japanese) and 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese). More languages...
File Size:0.76 MB to 4.40 MB - depending on the Program Version
Development:2002 to 2024
Last Update:2024-03-21
Operating Systems:Windows, Linux and macOS
Price:Pay as much as you want! This software can be downloaded for free and you can use it without any restrictions for non-commercial purposes. Favours are asked for a donation. You can purchase a commercial license here.

Please note our licence (freeware) for this product before you use the software.


Old Program Versions

Difference between old and new program version

You can find the download of an old program version of the WordCreator for Windows on this page. We still offer this version for download, as this version still contains the old text creator, which is no longer part of the new WordCreator. If you do not need the text creator, we recommend using the current version. The old version has not been developed since 2013.

The 32-bit version of the WordCreator for Mac OS X is no longer being developed because Apple has discontinued support for 32-bit applications from macOS 10.15 Catalina.