Related Links
As the brief descriptions of the color models RGB, CMY, CMYK, HSV, XYZ and TColor can not imply every detail and specifity, here is a collection of further links on the topic.
- Wikipedia: About color models and color spaces: Definitions, conversion, density, list of color spaces
- Demonstration: Visualization of color spaces
- Wikipedia: Color Theory: Color abstractions, Historical background, Traditional color theory, Complementary colors, Warm vs. cool colors, Achromatic colors, Tints and shades, Split primary colors, Color harmony and color meaning
- Article: Introduction to Color Science
- Wikipedia: RGB color space: Intuition, applications and specifications
- Article (PDF): Pascale, Danny: "A Review of RGB color spaces...from xyY to RGB"
- Wikipedia: CMYK color space: Basics, comparison, convertion, use in printing and computer technology
- Wikipedia: HSV color space: Motivation, Usage, Comparison of HSL and HSV, Terminology, Spherical and other 3D mappings, Examples
- Wikipedia: CIE Norm Valent System: Normal observers from 1931, Tristimulus, standard lighting and standard observer, Definition of the CIE XYZ color space, The CIE xy chromaticity diagram and the CIE xyY color space
- Wikipedia: International Commission on Illumination
- Official website of the CIE
- List of CIE publications and standards