Web Colors
The following table shows the 216 so-called websave colors. This range was developed at a time when computers usually were able to show only 256 different colors. Therefore a palette with displayable colors was required, that must not be approximated in any way.
The colors are provided as the RGB values from the RGB color model. The corresponding hexadecimal values can be found in the table right to the color. Instead of the presented format with three characters, you can also use the usual six character format. Thus the color #30F would be #3300FF.
Although modern designers still are encouraged to use the range of websave colors today, this range has now lost significance. The range was developed in a time (circa 1995), in which graphic cards and monitors with 8-bit color depth were the usual standard. Today, almost all graphic cards and monitors have a color depth of 24 bits or more, so that the problem of displaying is unnecessary.
#000 | #003 | #006 | #009 | #00C | #00F | ||||||
#300 | #303 | #306 | #309 | #30C | #30F | ||||||
#600 | #603 | #606 | #609 | #60C | #60F | ||||||
#900 | #903 | #906 | #909 | #90C | #90F | ||||||
#C00 | #C03 | #C06 | #C09 | #C0C | #C0F | ||||||
#F00 | #F03 | #F06 | #F09 | #F0C | #F0F |
#030 | #033 | #036 | #039 | #03C | #03F | ||||||
#330 | #333 | #336 | #339 | #33C | #33F | ||||||
#630 | #633 | #636 | #639 | #63C | #63F | ||||||
#930 | #933 | #936 | #939 | #93C | #93F | ||||||
#C30 | #C33 | #C36 | #C39 | #C3C | #C3F | ||||||
#F30 | #F33 | #F36 | #F39 | #F3C | #F3F |
#060 | #063 | #066 | #069 | #06C | #06F | ||||||
#360 | #363 | #366 | #369 | #36C | #36F | ||||||
#660 | #663 | #666 | #669 | #66C | #66F | ||||||
#960 | #963 | #966 | #969 | #96C | #96F | ||||||
#C60 | #C63 | #C66 | #C69 | #C6C | #C6F | ||||||
#F60 | #F63 | #F66 | #F69 | #F6C | #F6F |
#090 | #093 | #096 | #099 | #09C | #09F | ||||||
#390 | #393 | #396 | #399 | #39C | #39F | ||||||
#690 | #693 | #696 | #699 | #69C | #69F | ||||||
#990 | #993 | #996 | #999 | #99C | #99F | ||||||
#C90 | #C93 | #C96 | #C99 | #C9C | #C9F | ||||||
#F90 | #F93 | #F96 | #F99 | #F9C | #F9F |
#0C0 | #0C3 | #0C6 | #0C9 | #0CC | #0CF | ||||||
#3C0 | #3C3 | #3C6 | #3C9 | #3CC | #3CF | ||||||
#6C0 | #6C3 | #6C6 | #6C9 | #6CC | #6CF | ||||||
#9C0 | #9C3 | #9C6 | #9C9 | #9CC | #9CF | ||||||
#CC0 | #CC3 | #CC6 | #CC9 | #CCC | #CCF | ||||||
#FC0 | #FC3 | #FC6 | #FC9 | #FCC | #FCF |
#0F0 | #0F3 | #0F6 | #0F9 | #0FC | #0FF | ||||||
#3F0 | #3F3 | #3F6 | #3F9 | #3FC | #3FF | ||||||
#6F0 | #6F3 | #6F6 | #6F9 | #6FC | #6FF | ||||||
#9F0 | #9F3 | #9F6 | #9F9 | #9FC | #9FF | ||||||
#CF0 | #CF3 | #CF6 | #CF9 | #CFC | #CFF | ||||||
#FF0 | #FF3 | #FF6 | #FF9 | #FFC | #FFF |
This table was generated automatically by an individual software solution by Stefan Trost Media.
These hexadecimal values can be translated in any other color model with the program pipette, of course. To make it easy, use the pipette function and pick up the color from your browser window.
Other Color Charts
Lightness and Saturation | Lightness | Saturation | Shades of Grey | Color Names | Web Colors