On this page you will find an overview of all options from the settings dialog of PrintMyFonts with an explanation of the respective function. You reach the dialog described here via the "Settings" menu. An explanation of the functions of other program parts of PrintMyFonts can be found in the function overview.
- Font Style Filter > Type / Line Weight / Character Width: Type (serif, sans serif, others), Line Weight (thin, average, thick) and Character Width (fixed width or variable width) are categories in which PrintMyFonts is automatically sorting all of the currently loaded fonts. With the font style filter you can determine which fonts should be displayed in your list. By default, all available categories are activated, so that all fonts will be displayed. Remove one or more of the hooks for removing the categorized fonts from your list respectively check the corresponding checkboxes to show them again.
- Font Style Filter > Font Variants: Here, you can define the font variants (regular, bold, italic and bold italic) that should be displayed in the font list. You can select one or more variants. If you have selected multiple variants, these variants are displayed under each other in the list, so that it is also possible to compare different variants from the same font with each other. The font variant can be displayed within the printed texts with using the placeholder %style%.
- Font Style Filter > Options > Show Pangrams of all languages: Pangrams are sentences containing all letters of a language. An English pangram, for example, is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.". With the option "Show Pangrams of all languages", pangram phrases from the languages English, German, Danish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish are displayed as suggestions in the list "Text written in the Font". If this option is not activated, only English language pangrams (letters A-Z) and the currently selected language of the program (Settings > Language Settings) are displayed.
- Font List: Here you can find the settings regarding the font list, that is displayed within the program. For example, it is possible to set the background color of the list or the font size and font color of the text written in the corresponding font or the default font.
- Font List > Default Fonts: If you want PrintMyFonts to load specific fonts automatically with starting the program, you can use this function. In the field, you can define multiple fonts and folders with the character | as separator. The specified folders will then be searched for font files at startup. For example, you can define "C:My Fonts|C:FolderFont.ttf|F:Fonts" for automatically loading the font "Font.ttf" as well as all fonts from the folders "My Fonts" and "Fonts" when starting the application.
- Export Print: On this tab, you can find all settings that are applied when printing the font list. Here you can adjust the font size, the line spacing and the color of the text for both, the text written in the font and in the default font as well as the page margins of the printed page. All values regarding the line spacing and the page margins are stated in centimeters.
- Export Print > Wrap Long Lines: Use this option to specify whether long lines that extend beyond the page margin should be wrapped into a new line at the page border or if those lines should run out of the paper.
- Export Print > Print Fonts as Image: If this option is activated, a font to be printed will first be written to an image within the program and this image will then be forwarded to the printer. If the option is deactivated, the font is written directly to the printer and the rendering of the font is left to the printer. This option was introduced because some printers were unable to handle some fonts and this could lead to a cancellation of the print. This type of abort should be counteracted with activation of this option. When printing to a physical printer, enabling or disabling this option should not affect the quality of the printout. When using a PDF printer, however, there are differences: If fonts are printed as an image, the resolution of the fonts is limited compared to embedded fonts and depends on the PDF printer settings. Also, the font in the resulting file can not be marked as text when this option is active.
- Export Image: On this tab, you can find all settings regarding the export as image. Separated by the text written in the font and the text written in the default fonts, you can specify the font size, the line spacing and the font color. Additionally you can determine which background color and which margins should be used for the image. All line spacing and margin values are specified in centimeters. In the options, it is possible to specify a limit for the maximum number of fonts written to one single image. If there are more fonts in your list than this number, accordingly, multiple images will be created.
- Export Document: On this tab, you can find all settings regarding the export as document, that is for example when you want to export your list as RTF document or HTML website. Here, you can specify separated by the text written in the font and text written in the default font, which font size, line spacing and font color should be used. Apart from that, you can also determine the background color, width and height as well as the margins of the page and whether the page should contain page numbers or not. The specifications regarding of the line spacing, the width, the height and the page margins are specified in centimeters. Depending on the kind and type of document, not all of the specifications are applied. For example, when exporting as one HTML page, page numbers would make no sense.
- System Integration: Here you can find some settings for linking files with the program or for configuring the Auto Start. You can find more information about that in the help section about System Integration.
- Language: Here you can change the language of the tool. With the button "Save Language", you can store the selected language, otherwise, the program is trying to start with the language of your operating system. If your desired language is not available, you can gladly help to translate.
- Save: Here you can save your settings or the profiles for your settings. More information about this, you get on the information page about storing settings.