
Syllable Frequency: German (Deutsch)

On this page you can see two tables with the frequencies of the syllables of the German language. These lists were created with the syllable counter, which is integrated in the WordCreator. Basis of these frequency lists was a German text with 8,953,540 characters (1,368,984 words), which consisted of a good mix of different literary genres.

The list may only be used together with the internet adress sttmedia.com and the prior consent of Stefan Trost (contact).

Two-Party Syllables (Digrams)

In the following two tables, you can see the two-party syllables (digrams) in German. From the original text, 3,034,411 two-party syllables were extracted, in the table only two-party syllables with a probability of at least 0.75 % are shown. The first list is sorted alphabetically according to the syllables, the second list according to the frequencies of the syllables. Accordingly, the digrams EN, ER and CH are the most frequent occurring letter combinations in the German language.

AN1.26 %
AU0.93 %
BE1.37 %
CH3.58 %
DA0.82 %
DE2.54 %
DI1.06 %
EI2.44 %
EL0.76 %
EN4.87 %
ER4.18 %
ES1.38 %
GE1.88 %
HE1.30 %
HT0.79 %
IC1.49 %
IE2.15 %
IN2.14 %
IT0.80 %
LE0.85 %
LI0.75 %
ND1.68 %
NE1.28 %
NG0.90 %
RE1.11 %
SC0.99 %
SE1.10 %
SI0.89 %
ST1.29 %
TE2.09 %
UN1.69 %
EN4.87 %
ER4.18 %
CH3.58 %
DE2.54 %
EI2.44 %
IE2.15 %
IN2.14 %
TE2.09 %
GE1.88 %
UN1.69 %
ND1.68 %
IC1.49 %
ES1.38 %
BE1.37 %
HE1.30 %
ST1.29 %
NE1.28 %
AN1.26 %
RE1.11 %
SE1.10 %
DI1.06 %
SC0.99 %
AU0.93 %
NG0.90 %
SI0.89 %
LE0.85 %
DA0.82 %
IT0.80 %
HT0.79 %
EL0.76 %
LI0.75 %

Three-Party Syllables (Trigrams)

In the last two tables, you can see the three-party syllables (trigrams) of the German language. From the original text, 1,297,703 three-party syllables were extracted. In the table, only trigrams with a probability of at least 0.30 % are published. The first list is sorted by the syllables, the second list is ordered by the frequencies of the syllables. Accordingly, the trigrams ICH, EIN and DER are the most frequent in the German language.

ABE0.34 %
ACH0.42 %
AND0.41 %
AUF0.35 %
AUS0.32 %
BEN0.35 %
BER0.48 %
CHE0.99 %
CHT0.95 %
DAS0.43 %
DEN0.89 %
DER1.37 %
DIE1.14 %
EIN1.55 %
EIT0.49 %
END0.33 %
ERE0.39 %
ERS0.41 %
ESE0.31 %
GEN0.85 %
HEN0.66 %
ICH1.85 %
IGE0.32 %
INE0.82 %
IST0.37 %
LIC0.55 %
LLE0.35 %
MEN0.32 %
MIT0.32 %
NDE0.65 %
NEN0.50 %
NGE0.44 %
NIC0.39 %
NTE0.31 %
REN0.40 %
SCH1.27 %
SEI0.32 %
SEN0.32 %
SIC0.37 %
SIE0.53 %
STE0.51 %
TEN0.71 %
TER0.45 %
UND1.00 %
UNG0.68 %
VER0.53 %
ICH1.85 %
EIN1.55 %
DER1.37 %
SCH1.27 %
DIE1.14 %
UND1.00 %
CHE0.99 %
CHT0.95 %
DEN0.89 %
GEN0.85 %
INE0.82 %
TEN0.71 %
UNG0.68 %
HEN0.66 %
NDE0.65 %
LIC0.55 %
SIE0.53 %
VER0.53 %
STE0.51 %
NEN0.50 %
EIT0.49 %
BER0.48 %
TER0.45 %
NGE0.44 %
DAS0.43 %
ACH0.42 %
ERS0.41 %
AND0.41 %
REN0.40 %
ERE0.39 %
NIC0.39 %
SIC0.37 %
IST0.37 %
AUF0.35 %
LLE0.35 %
BEN0.35 %
ABE0.34 %
END0.33 %
SEN0.32 %
SEI0.32 %
AUS0.32 %
MIT0.32 %
MEN0.32 %
IGE0.32 %
NTE0.31 %
ESE0.31 %

A list of German letter frequencies can be found here.

Usage Note

The list may only be used together with the internet adress sttmedia.com and the prior consent of Stefan Trost (contact). If you need additional lists, for example in a different sorting or on the basis of another source, we can provide this list. Simply write to us. The price of this service depends on the effort required to create your desired list.