Script Control of FasterFiles
Using the program version FasterFiles Pro CL, you can not only execute Action Lists via HotKeys and key combinations but also via batch commands - for example out of a script, the command line or out of external applications. On this page, we show how to do that.
Create Batch Action List
First of all, we need an Action List in which the actions are stored that you would like to execute via your script or batch command. For this, you can just create an arbitrary action list in the program as usual or you can just use one of your existing Action Lists that you already have created in FasterFiles.
After that, click on the Action List with the right mouse button and select "Export" from the context menu. With this, you are able to store the list as file with the file extension FFAL (Faster Files Action List).
Execute Batch Action List
We have now saved an Action List under the name "actionlist.ffal" and we want to execute this list via a batch script. For this, we are creating a text file with the following content:
@echo off
start FasterFiles.exe -cl actionlist.ffal
The most important line is the second line here. In order to control Faster Files via Script, we are passing "-cl" (which stands for "comand line mode") as the first parameter and after that we are passing the path to the Action List in form of an FFAL file. If this file is not located in the same folder as FasterFiles.exe, we have to specify the full path, for example "FasterFiles.exe -cl C:\folder\actionlist.ffal". Alternatively, we can also write -batch instead of the -cl parameter.
If we now click on this batch file, FasterFiles is automatically starting invisible in the background in order to execute the passed Action List.
Execute multiple Batch Action Lists
By the way, Faster Files is not limited to carry out only one Action List at the same time. If we want to execute multiple Action Lists after each other, we can just pass them as multiple parameters to FasterFiles - for example like that:
FasterFiles.exe -cl actionlist1.ffal actionlist2.ffal
This example first executes all actions that are stored in "actionlist1.ffal" and after that all actions from file "actionlist2.ffal".