

HotKeys are the basis of FasterFiles. HotKeys have a free selectable keyboard shortcut and are executed by pressing this key combination.

You can either directly assign Actions to a HotKey (which will be executed when pressing the key combination) or you can assign multiple Action Lists to one HotKey (which can each have one or more actions). When pressing the HotKey in the case of multiple Action Lists, a selection dialog window with the assigned Action Lists will be displayed from which you can select an Action List in order to execute its actions.

In the following, you can read about how to create, edit or delete HotKeys in Faster Files.

Create HotKeys

In order to create a HotKey in FasterFiles, you can just click on the button "New HotKey" in the main window. After that, the following window will be displayed, in which you can set up your HotKey.

FasterFiles - Create HotKeys - Screenshot

Windows 11 - Windows 10 - Windows 7

If you have created a HotKey, you can afterwards use the buttons "New Action List" or "Add Action" for adding Action Lists or Actions to your HotKey.

Edit or Delete HotKeys

If you want to change your chosen name, the keyboard shortcut or the selected options of your HotKey later, or if you do not need your HotKey anymore, you can just right click onto your HotKey in the list. Then you can select "Edit" or "Delete" from the context menu. When editing the HotKey, the same window introduced when speaking about creating HotKeys will be displayed. In this window, you can change the HotKey configuration and save it with clicking "Save".