Main Window
On this page you will find an overview of all parts and functions of the main window of the WordCreator with a description of the respective function. An explanation of the functions of other program parts of the WordCreator can be found in the function overview.
The main window of the WordCreator is divided into the following two areas:
Main Window - WordCreator
The WordCreator can be found on the tab "Creator" in the main window.
- Length of Words: Here you can specify how many syllables (from the syllable list, so not necessarily single letters) a created word should consist of. You can type an arbitrary number or you can select one of the suggestions from the list. If you would like to create words with a random length, you can determine an upper and lower border for the length: for example, "2-5" means that words should have at least 2 syllables but no more than 5 syllables.
- Number of Words: Here you can specify, how many words should be produced in one single pass. You can enter an arbitrary number or you can select one from the list.
- Used Syllables: For the creation of random words, always the syllables defined in this text box are used. Right click the box in order to save, load, delete or copy the list to clipboard or to change the frequencies of each syllable. Files with syllable lists can also simply be dragged onto the program to be loaded. More information about the structure and the creation of syllable lists can be found here. In the menu "Syllable Lists" you can find settings and functions to load or create predefined or random syllable lists. For example, it is possible to load syllable lists from different languages.
- Result: In this box, the created random words are displayed. Right click the box to save the results as a text file or as a document (DOCX, ODT or RTF), to copy it into the clipboard or to clear the box.
- Settings: Opens the settings for the creator. The settings are explained in the section settings.
- Create (CTRL+N): Click on Create in order to produce random words according to the current settings.
Main Window - Counter
You can find the counter for letters, syllables, words or character combinations on the tab "Counter" in the main window.
- Input: In this field there is the text to be counted. You can copy an arbitrary text into the field, you can write something into it, you can select a text file by using the right mouse key (or CTRL+O) and you can simply drag files onto the program. The text may contain arbitrary Unicode characters.
- Result: In this field, the result of the counting is displayed. You can use the options on the tab "Counter Output" in the settings to adjust the formatting of the result - for example how the list should be sorted or how many decimal places should be used for the percentages. By right-clicking the text box or by using the key combination CTRL+S, you can save the result as text, CSV, XLSX, ODS, DIF or HTML file. You can also use the right mouse button to copy the result to the clipboard as text (Shift-CTRL+C) or as a table (CTRL+ALT+C).
- Settings: Opens the settings for the counter. In the settings dialog, the tabs "Counter", "Counter Characters" and "Counter Output" are relevant. The options from this tabs are explained in the section about the settings.
- Count (CTRL+N): With this button, you can count - depending on the settings - the letters, syllables, or character combinations that are currently written in the input field and display the results in the result box.