On this page you will find an overview of all menu items of the Pipette with an explanation of the respective function. An explanation of the functions of other program parts of the Pipette can be found in the function overview.
- File > Load Color List (CTRL + O): Loads colors from a text file to the color list of the program. The colors must be represented in the RGB format with one color per line. The encoding of the text file as well as the line break type used are irrelevant. The colors will be added to the current color list. Alternatively, you can also drag your saved color list files from any folder onto the program to open them.
- File > Save Color List (CTRL + S): Stores the current color list to a text file. The colors will be saved as RGB values, one per line.
- File > Clear Color List: Deletes all colors from the color list.
- File > Create Random Color (CTRL + R): Creates a random color and adds it to the color list. The created color is displayed in the color field and represented in all color models.
- File > Exit (ESC): Closes the entire program Pipette.
- Settings > General / Clipboard: These settings are explained on the page settings.
- Settings > System Integration / File Associations: Here you can find some settings for linking files with the Pipette or for configuring the Auto Start settings. You can find more information about that in the help section about System Integration.
- Settings > Language Settings: Opens the language settings to change and save the language of the program.
- Settings > Save or Load Settings: Here you can find the storage options as well as ways to save, load and delete settings. See the Introduction to Settings for an explanation.
- Settings > Reset Settings: Resets all settings to the default settings.
- Online > Web Addresses: Here you can find some Internet addresses on the subject of colors and the program, which open automatically as soon as you click on the corresponding menu item. If you would like to open the Internet pages manually, you can also enter the label of the respective menu item manually into your browser. For example, here you get background information on the color models and terminology used as well as links to color tables and references to some other useful pages related to this complex of topics.
- Software: In this menu you will find information about other software from Stefan Trost Media. To open one of the links you can click on the respective menu item.
- Info & Help: Over this menu, you can access a short introduction to the Pipette and get information about the license, contact options as well as important links and background information around the software.