On this page you will find an overview of all options from the settings dialog of the Pipette with an explanation of the respective function. You reach the dialog described here via the "Settings" menu. An explanation of the functions of other program parts of the Pipette can be found in the function overview.
- Settings > General > Color Model Values > Decimal Places: Here it is specified, whether and how many decimal places are used for all values
- Settings > General > Color Model Values > Increment/decrement per mouse wheel or up-down buttons: The value entered here indicates how many steps the value of an input field is increased or decreased when using the mouse wheel or the up-and-down buttons behind the input fields. Both integer and decimal values with any accuracy are allowed.
- Settings > General > Color Model Values > Used Color model in the Color List: Here you can select the color model in which the color values should be displayed in the color list. You can choose between HEX (RGB as a hex value), RGB (from 0 to 255), RGB as a percentage value, CMYK, CMY, HSV, TColor and XYZ.
- Settings > General > Adding Color to Color List: Here, you can select at which actions (clicking on the color field, general moving of the mouse, releasing the mouse button) a color should be added to the color list. Additionally, you can specify, that a color should only be added to the list in the case, it is not yet in the list.
- Settings > General > Pipette Mode: The Pipette-button can be used in two different modes. Either you can pick up a color by clicking "Pipette", holding your mouse button down and realising the mouse button over the color you want to fetch or the color can be picked up by clicking "Pipette" and just clicking again on the place, on which your desired color is. For windows, both modes are contamplable, on some systems such as Linux or Mac OS X only the second mode works.
- Settings > Clipboard > Automatic Copying to the Clipboard: If you activate the option "Copy this value automatically to the clipboard when capturing a color", each captured color will be copied to the clipboard in the model set under "Color Model" immediately after it is captured automatically.
- Settings > Clipboard > Units: The Pipette is offering comfortable ways to copy the color values to the clipboard (for example via the buttons in the main window or automatically via the "Automatic Copying to Clipboard" option). Here you can adjust whether the values should be copied with or without a units to the clipboard. If you activate the option "Copy to Clipboard with Units", the delimiters and units specified here are used and written before, between and behind the color values. If that option is deactivated, only spaces will be used.
In the fields, you are able to specify for each color model exactly, which strings or units should be used before, between or after the values. The default setting is the percent sign for percent values, the degree (for hue), the diamond in the hexadecimal notation and spaces between the individual values. You can reset the default setting with the button "Standard". Remember no to forget spaces if they should be between the individual values. The characters between the input boxes in the window indicate the position of the respective values in the color coding. For example the line "HEX: InputField1 H InputField2" means that the string from InputField1 is written before and the string from InputField2 is written behind the hexadezimal code, if it is copied to the clipboard.
A peculiarity arises when copying the values for xyz. With these values, it is customary not to copy all of the three values but taking Y to the values. Usually the values Yxy are used, because z results from the values x and y. So in this window it is possible to choose to copy xyz or Yxy by using the button behin the line xyz. Simply click on the appropriate line at the bottom of the window. For details on the specifications of this color model, see the section XYZ color model. - System Integration: Here you can find some settings for linking files with the program or for configuring the Auto Start. You can find more information about that in the help section about System Integration.
- Settings > Language: Here you can find the possibility to change the language of the application. With the button "Save Language", you can store the selected language, otherwise, the program is trying to start with the language of your operating system. If this language is not available, you can gladly help to translate.
- Settings > Save: Here you can find possibilities to save your settings or profiles for your settings. More information about this, you get on the information page about storing settings.