
Old Batch Text Converter


On this page you can find a description of the old Batch Text Converter (Pro CL), which is no longer being developed. We recommend that you use the latest version of the program and only use the information that can be found on this page if you are still using the old version of the program.

A description of the batch functions of the current version can be found here.

With the version Text Converter Pro CL, it is possible to control the Text Converter via batch script or command line externally.

This makes it possible to remote control the Text Converter and to start it with recurring settings, configurations, files, directories or parameters. On this page, we would like to introduce you to the functionality with some examples.

Start Text Converter with a configuration

The following command starts the Text Converter with an arbitrary configuration file (here "C:\Conf.tkg") via command line:

TextConverter.exe C:\Conf.tkg

To try out this example, you have to go in your command line to the directory in which the Text Converter is saved. After that, type in the line like above (beginning from "TextConverter.exe" and with an existing configuration file) and press the enter key. To create a file with configuration settings, open the Text Converter, choose all settings like you want and click in the menu on "Configuration > Save current configuration".

Pass an arbitrary number of files and a configuration

Use the following command to start the Text Converter with a configuration and an arbitrary number of files (here "C:\Dat1.txt" and "C:\Dat2.txt").

TextConverter.exe C:\Conf.tkg C:\Dat1.txt C:\Dat2.txt

If you try this command, the Text Converter starts with the settings saved in "Conf.tkg" and the passed files will already be in the file list, so that you can work on these files directly. When passing files in this way, it plays no role whether you are passing one or more files.

Automatic processing and program close after processing

With the parameter "processandclose", you can choose that the Text Converter should carry out a processing automatically and then closes itself:

TextConverter.exe C:\Conf.tkg C:\Dat1.txt processandclose=1

The example makes the following: First of all, the Text Converter is started with the settings specified in "Conf.tkg". In this configuration file, for example, you can have specified some replacements or one or more arbitrary other editing. Because you are passing the file "Dat1.txt" as well as the parameter "processandclose=1" at the same time, the file "Dat1.txt" will be processed according to the settings in the configuration file and the Text Converter will be closed after the processing.

Pass a full directory, edit the files and close the Text Converter

Behind passing individual files, you can also pass one ore more complete folders including their contents:

TextConverter.exe C:\Conf.tkg C:\Dir1 C:\Dir2 processandclose=1

In this example, we are passing the directories "Dir1" and "Dir2" from "C:" to the Text Converter. With the other parameters, we are processing this files according to "Conf.tkg" and we tell the Text Converter to close itself after processing.

List of Parameters

Here you can see a list of all parameters, you can use in the Batch Version.

Parameter Meaning
[File Name].tkg Configuration Files and Profiles (*.tkg), which should be loaded. You can also load several configurations at the same time. When doing this, the last specified configuration overwrites the other configurations specified before.
[File Name] Specify the name (and optionally the path) of a file to add it.
[Directory] Specify the complete path and name of a folder, to add all files from this directory according to the specified filter settings.
processandclose=1 If this parameter is committed, first, the Text Converter loads all files and configurations. After that, all loaded files will be processed according to the configurations and the Text Converter closes automatically after that.
log=1 If the log-parameter is committed, the Text Converter logs events like loading configurations, errors during processing and file editings in the file tkprocess.log.
silentmode=0 With silentmode=0 the Text Converter starts normally and visible.
silentmode=1 With silentmode=1, only the status bar displaying the status of the processing will be displayed. The main program is not visible.
silentmode=2 With silentmode=2, the Text Converter is working in the background without a visible window.

All parameters, file names and folders can be committed in any order. Likewise, it is possible to add several files and folders at the same time with adding each file and each folder by using a particular parameter for it.

The functionality of the Text Converter is expanded from time to time. If you should have suggestions for more parameters, let us now.

Example for a Batch Script

Last, we would like to show you a small example of a batch script. Copy the following text (of course you can also adjust the text to your file names) to a normal plain text file and rename the file to "batchscript.bat". The file should be saved in the same directory like the Text Converter.

start /wait TextConverter.exe C:\C1.tkg C:\F1.txt processandclose=1
start /wait TextConverter.exe C:\C2.tkg C:\F2.txt processandclose=1
@echo off

If you double click on the file (the file extension *.bat is important), first the Text Converter will be started with the configuration "C1.tkg" and the file "F1.txt". The "start /wait" causes, that the next line will be executed after the first line is finished. That means, as soon as the Text Converter is closed after the automatic procxessing of file "F1.txt", the second line will be executed and the file "F2.txt" will be processed according to settings of "C2.tkg". The last line means that the command line is closed after the batch script is executed.

Order Text Converter Pro CL

The old version of the Text Converter Pro CL is not in development any more. Information about how to order the current version of this program, that offers significantly more options than the old version, you can find on our download page. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us.