
Main Window of the old TextConverter


On this page you can find a description of the old main window of the Text Converter, which is no longer being developed. We recommend that you use the latest version of the program and only use the information that can be found on this page if you are still using the old version of the program.

A description of the main window of the current version can be found here.

This page is divided into the six chapters general, files, preview, actions and saving. You can click on one of these topics to jump directly to the appropriate location in this text. If you are searching for a special function, you can search for this function with "CTRL + F" in your browser.


The main window of the TextConverter is divided into four areas. Left above, you will find the files area, where all files to be processed are managed, added and removed. Next to that area, in the top right, there is the column "Actions". Here you specify which changes should be made to your files. On the left below, there is the preview. Here, both the original file and the new file can be compared, so that you can check all applied changes before saving. Finally, the box "Saving" in the right below is used to accomplish all of the saving options.


In the top left of the main window of the text converter, you can find the files area. This area is used to manage the files, which means adding and removing all the files that should be changed. To add files, it is enough to simply grab it from a folder and drop it on the program. Of course you can also search in folders or open files directly through the function "File > Open Files".


Under the input field in the lower left corner of the main window, there is the preview pane. This is used to view both the files in the list and to display the changes of the files, so that the modified file can be compared with the original one. Both files can be displayed at the same time, side by side. If you select a file in the input list, it is displayed in the preview.


In the top right of the main window you can select the actions. The actions are the changes, that are applied to the files. An option can be easily enabled or disabled by the check mark in front of it. Regardless of activated or not, each settings can be displayed by clicking the button "Options" behind the action. By default all other actions hide whenever selecting a new one. You can change this behavior in the menu on "Settings > Minimize Actions automatically".

Under some boxes, you can find a small plus sign. With this button, you can expand the appropriate box to have a better overview.


The last box in the main window, located on the right below cares about saving the files. Here you can specify whether the files should be overwritten or whether they are saved as new files to a certain folder, under a certain name an in a certain format. For example it is possible to save the text files as image files.